§ Crash Course on Prosody
- Syllable: Smallest unit.
- Feet: Sequence of syllables.
- Line: Sequence of feet. Used to be called
, which now stands for a poem in general. - Stanza: Sequence of lines.
- Iamb: a feet which is or ["da", "DUM" ] or
[x, /]
as is written in notation. - Iambinc pentameter: a sequence of 5 iambs.
x/| x/| x/| x/| x/|
/ x |x /|x / | x / | / /
earth has not a-ny-thing to show more fair
/ x x / x / x x / /
dull would he be of soul who could pass by
x|/ x| / x x | x / x /
A sight so touch-ing in its maj-es-ty
§ Iamb Substitutions
to /
: defective foot or bare stress: BEGINNING. -
to /x
: trochee (badger) . BEGINNING or AFTER PAUSE. -
to //
: spondee (duck soup). ANYWHERE. -
to xx//
: double iamb. ANYWHERE. -
to xx/
: anapest. [UNCOMMON ]