§ Gauss, normals, fundamental forms [TODO ]
- consider a parametrization r:u,v→R3
- at a point p=r(u,v) on the surface, the tangent vectors are ru≡∂ur and similarly rv≡∂vr.
- Let k=xru+yrv. Then k⋅k is the first fundamental form . Computed as k=(xru+yr+v)⋅(xru+yrv). Write this as Ex2+2Fxy+Gy2. These numbers depend on the point (u,v), or equally, depend on the point p=r(u,v).
- Further, we also have a normal vector to the tangent plane. N(p) is the unit normal pointing outwards. We can describe it in terms of a parametrization as n≡ru×rv/∣∣ru×rv∣∣.
- Gauss map / Gauss Rodrigues map ( N): map from the surface to S2. N sends a point p to the unit normal at p.
- The tangent plane to N(p) on the sphere is parallel to the tanent plane on the surface at p, since the normals are the same, as that is the action of N which sends the normal at the surface p∈S to a point of the sphere / normal to the sphere.
- Thus, the the derivative intuitively "preserves" tangent planes! [as normal directions are determined ].
- If we now think of dN, it's a map from TpS to TN(p)S2=TpS. Thus it is a map to the tangent space to itself .
- In terms of this, gauss realized that gaussian curvature K2=K=k1k2 is the determinant of the map dNp [ie, the jacobian ]. Curvature is the distortion of areas by the normal. So we can think of it as the ratio of areas
area of image/area of preimage