§ Heine Borel
- Theorem: closed bounded subset of Rn is compact
- We will prove it for R and leave the obvious generalization to the reader.
- Key idea: recall that for metric spaces, compactness and sequential compactness are equivalent, so the proof must follow some ideas from Bolzano Weirstrass (sequence in closed bounded set has convergent subsequence).
- Recall that that proof goes by bisection, so let's try to bisect some stuff!
- Also recall why this fails in infinite dimensions: you can bisect repeatedly in "all directions" and get volume (measure) to zero, without actually controlling the cardinality. There is no theorem that says "measure 0 = single point". So, the proof must rely on finite dimension and "trapping" a point.
- Take an interval, say [0,1] and take a cover C. We want to extract a finite subcover.
- For now, suppose that the cover is made up only of open balls B(x,ϵ). We can always reduce a cover to a cover of open balls --- For each point p∈X which is covered by Up, take an open ball Bp≡B(p,ϵp)⊆U. A finite subcover of the open balls {Bp} tells us which Up to pick from the original cover.
- Thus, we shall now assume that C is only made up of epsilon balls of the form C≡{B(p,ϵp)}.
- If C has a finite subcover, we are done.
- Suppose C has no finite subcover. We will show that this leads to a contradiction.
- Since we have no finite subcover, it must be the case that at I0, there are an infinite number of balls {B}. Call this cover of infinite balls C0.
- Now, let the interval I1 be whichever of [0,1/2] or [1/2,1] that has infinitely many balls from C0. One of the two intervals must have infinite many balls from C0, for otherwise C0 would be finite, a contradiction. Let C1 be the cover of I1 by taking balls from C0 that lie in I1.
- Repeat the above for I1. This gives us a sequence of nested intervals ⋯⊂I2⊂I1⊂I0, as well as nested covers ⋯⊂C2⊂C1⊂C0.
- For each i, pick any epsilon ball Bi(pi,ϵi)∈Ci. This gives us a sequence of centers of balls {pi}. These centers must have a coverging subsequence {qi} (by bolzano weirstrass) which converges to a limit point L.
- Take the ball BL≡(L,ϵL)∈C which covers the limit point L.
- Since the sequence {qi} is cauchy, for ϵL, there must exist a natural N such that for all n≥N, the points {qn:n≥N}⊆BL.
- Thus, we only have finitely many points, q≤n to cover. Cover each of these by their own ball.
- We have thus successfully found a covering for the full sequence!