§ Hilbert polynomial and dimension
- Think of non Cohen Macaulay ring (plane with line perpendicular to it). Here the dimension varies per point.
- Let R be a graded ring. Let R0 be noetherian. R is finitely generated as an algebra over R0. This implies by hilbert basis theorem that R is noetherian (finitely generated as a module over R0).
- Suppose M is a graded module over R, and M is finitely generated as a module over R.
- How fast does Mn grow? We need some notion of size.
- Define the size of Mn as λ(Mn).Suppose R is a field. Then Mn is a vector space. We define λ(Mn) to be the dimension of Mn as a vector space over R.
- What about taking dimension of tangent space? Doesn't work for cusps! (singular points). Can be used to define singular points.
- TODO: show that at y2=x3, we have dimension two (we expect dimension one)