§ McKay's proof of Cauchy's theorem for groups [TODO ]
- In a group, if gh=1 then hg=1. Prove this by writing hg=hg(hh−1)=h(gh)h−1=h⋅1⋅h−1=1.
- We can interpret this as follows: in the multiplication table of a group, firstly, each row contains exactly one 1.
- Also, when g=h (ie, we are off the main diagonal of the multiplication table), each gh=1 has a "cyclic permutation solution" hg=1.
- If the group as even order, then there are even number of 1s on the main diagonal.
- Thus, the number of solutions to x2=2 for x∈G is even, since each solution has another paired with it.
- Let's generalize from pairs to
- Reference