(1) For an extension L/K, if a polynomial p(x)∈K[x] and has a root α∈L has all its roots in L. So p(x)splits into linear factors p(x)=(x−l1)(x−l2)⋅(x−ln) for li∈L.
(2) [equivalent ] L is the splitting field over K of some set of polynomials.
(3) [equivalent ] Consider K⊆L⊆K. Then any automorphism of K/K (ie, aut that fixes K pointwise) maps L to L [fixes L as a set, NOT pointwise ].
Eq: Q(21/3) is not normal
Eq: Q(21/3,ω3) is a normal extension because it's the splitting field of x3−2.
(2) says that L is the splitting field for some set of polynomials.
An aut σ:K→K that fixes K acts trivially on polynomials in K[x].
L is the set of all roots of polynomials {minpoly(α)∈K[x]:α∈L}.
Since σ fixes K[x], it also cannot change the set of roots of the polynomials. Thus the set {minpoly(α)∈K[x]:α∈L}remains invariant under σ. ( σ cannot add elements into L). It can at most permute the roots of L.
Consider K⊆L⊆M. If K⊆L is normal, L⊆M is normal, then is K⊆M normal?
Answer: NO!
Counter-example: Q⊆Q(21/2)⊆Q(21/4).
Each of the two pieces are normal since they are degree two. But the full tower is not normal, because Q(21/4)/Q has minimial polynomial x4−2.
On the other hand, Q(21/4)/Q(21/2) has a minimal polynomial x2−2∈Q[21/2].
So, normality is not transitive!
Another way of looking at it: We want to show that σ(M)⊆M where σ:aut(K/K). Since L/K is normal, and σ is an autormophism of L/K, we have σ(L)⊆L [by normal ]. Since M/L is normal, we must have σ(M)⊆M. Therefore, we are done?
NO! The problem is that σ is not a legal automorphism of M/L, since σ fixes L as a set ( σL⊆L), and not pointwise ( σ(l)=l for all l∈L.)