§ Weird free group construction from adjoint functor theorem
- We wish to construct the free group on a set S. Call the free group ΓS.
- Call the forgetful functor from groups to sets as U.
- The defining property of the free group is that if we are given a mapping ϕ:S→UG, a map which tells us where the generators go, there is a unique map Γϕ:ΓS→G which maps the generators of the free group via a group homomorphism into G. Further, there is a bijection between ϕ and Γϕ.
- Written differently, there is a bijection homSet(S,UG)≃homGroup(ΓS,G). This is the condition for an adjunction.
- The idea to construct ΓS is roughly, to take all possible maps fi:S→UG for all groups G, take the product of all such maps, and define ΓS≡im(πifi). The details follow.
- First off, we can't take all groups, that's too large. So we need to cut down the size somehow. We do this by considering groups with at most ∣S∣ generators, since that's all the image of the maps fi can be anyway. We're only interested in the image at the end, so we can cut down the groups we consider to be set-sized.
- Next, we need to somehow control for isomorphisms. So we first take isomorphism classes of groups with at most ∣S∣ generators. Call this set of groups GWe then construct all possible maps fi:S→UG for all possible maps f, for all possible G∈G.
- This lets us construct the product map f:S→∏G∈GUG given by f(s)≡∏G∈Gfi(s).
- Now we define the free group γS≡im(f). Why does this work?
- Well, we check the universal property. Suppose we have some map h:S→UH. This must induce a map Γh:ΓS→H.
- We can cut down the map, by writing the map as him:S→im(h). This maps into some subset of UH, from which we can generate a group Him⊆H.
- First off, there must be some index k such that fk=him, since the set of maps {fi} covers all possible maps from Sinto groups with those many generators.
- This implies we can project the group ΓS at the kth index to get a map from ΓS into Him.
- We can then inject Him into H, giving us the desired map!