§ A semidirect product worked on in great detail
We work out the semidirect product structure of the collection of real 2x2 matrices
We first see that the multiplication rule is:
so these are closed under matrix multiplication. The identity matrix
is one among these matrices and thus we have the identity. The inverse
of such a matrix can also be seen to be of such a kind.
§ Diagonal transforms
We have two subgroups of matrices in this set of 2x2 matrices.
The first of these I shall call diagonal and denote with D:
Hopefully clearly, this is isomorphic
to R∗ since the only degree of freedom is the bottom right entry,
which gets multiplied during matrix multiplication. These transform
a vector (x,y) into the vector (x,δy).
Informally, the D matrices are responsible for scaling the y-axis.
§ Shear transforms
Next, we have the other subgroup of matrices, which I shall call shear
and denote by S:
These are isomorphic to R+, since the only degree of freedom is
their top-right entry, which gets added on matrix multiplication. These
matrices transform a vector (x,y) into (x+δy,y).
§ Generating all transforms with diagonal and shear transforms
we can write any transform of the form
§ Semidirect product: Conjugations
We need to check whether the subgroup D or the subgroup S is normal.
For this, take two arbitrary elements:
[d]≡[100d]; [s]≡[10s1]
§ Conjugating D by S:
Let's to conjugate a diagonal with a shear:
This doesn't leave us with another diagonal transform.
§ Conjugating S with D
Now let's compute the action of dsd−1, and sds−1 on some general (x,y):
See that the final result we end up with is a shear transform which
shears by y/d. So, we can write the equation DSD−1=S: conjugating
a shear by scaling leaves us with a shear.
§ The connnection to partial fractions
Recall that any matrix of the form [a b; c d]
can be viewed as taking
the fraction x/y
to (ax+by)/(cx+dy)
. In our case, we have:
- Diagonal:
[1 0; 0 b]
which take x/y
to x/by
. - Shear:
[1 a 0 1]
which take x/y
to (x + ay)/y
It's clear that diagonals and shears compose. What is unclear is how they
interact. A little thought shows us:
x/y -diagonal->
x/dy -shear->
x/y -shear->
(x+sy)/y -diagonal->
= (x+(s/d)y')/y'
So, when we compse shears with diagonals, we are left with "twisted shears".
The "main objects" are the shears (which are normal), and the "twists" are
provided by the diagonal.
The intuition for why the twisted obect (shears) should be normal
is that the twisting (by conjugation) should continue to give us twisted
objects (shears). The "only way" this can resonably happen is if the twisted
subgroup is normal: ie, invariant under all twistings/conjugations.
§ How the semidirect product forms
From the above computations, we can see that it is the shear transform S that
are normal in the collection of matrices we started out with, since
D−1SD=S. Intuitively, this tells us that it is the diagonal
part of the transform composes normally, and the shear part of the transform is
"twisted" by the diagonal/scaling part. This is why composing a shear
with a diagonal (in either order --- shear followed by diagonal or vice versa)
leaves us with a twisted shear. This should give a visceral sense of "direct
product with a twist".
§ Where to go from here
In some sense, one can view
all semidirect products as notationally the same as this example
so this example provides good intuition for the general case.