A Universe of Sorts
Siddharth Bhat
- Skyfall Chords Explanation
- Simulating Inductives Via Coinductives (And Vice Versa)
- Amelie Arpeggiation Explanation
- Inductive Predicate as Least Fixed Point, directly
- Interpolants: Vibes
- AWS MathFest 2024
- Proving False with partial functions even with Inhabited types
- Table Maker's Dilemma
- Techne, Da Vinci, Michalangelo, and Art
- Ffmpeg one liner to re-encode mp4 so chrome can open it
- Notes on Copy and Patch Compilation
- Setting up SAIL for porting to Lean
- Gregorian chant and numes
- Decreasing Metric for Mutual Recursive Functions
- FOL + Fixpoint + Counting does not capture P
- Building an ELF by hand
- Resolution is Refutation Complete
- Fagin's theorem
- EF (Ehrenfeucht–Fraïssé) games
- Why FOL models must be nonempty
- Concrete calculation of hopf fibration
- Canonical bundle over RP2 is not trivial
- Concrete description of spinors
- Paracompact spaces
- Latin prefixes for words
- Crash Course on Prosody
- What the hell is a nix flake?
- How to prove
- Origami box pleating
- Vibes of Weiner Processes
- Forward versus backward euler
- Uniform Boundedness Principle / Banach Steinhauss
- Coercive operator
- It suffices to check for weak convergence on a spanning set.
- Sequence that converges weakly but not strongly in lp.
- Axioms for definite integration
- Quotient spaces of Banach space
- Reisez Lemma
- Using LLL to discover minimal polynomial for floating point number
- Total Boundedness in a metric space
- Holonomic v/s non holonomic constraints
- The Plenoptic Function
- Precision, Recall, and all that.
- Heine Borel
- The conceit of self loathing
- Inverse scattering transform
- Differentiating through sampling from a random normal distribution
- BOSCC Vectorization
- Autodiff
- Vector Bundles and K theory, 1.1
- Equicontinuity, Arzela Ascoli
- Sobolev Embedding Theorem
- Eikonal Equation [WIP ]
- Practical example of semidirect product
- Algebraic graph calculus
- Change of basis from triangle x y to barycentric
- Lean4 access metam and so forth
- Harmonic function
- Lax Milgram theorem
- Why L2 needs a quotient upto almost everywhere
- Repulsive curves
- Why NuPRL and Realisability makes it hard to communicate math
- Lean does not allow nested inductive families
- Weakly implicit arguments in Lean
- Big list of elf file munging / linker / ABI
- Regular epi and regular category
- Focal point
- Operational versus Denotational semantics
- Minimising L2 norm with total constraint
- Bounding L2 norm by L1 norm and vice versa
- Example of unbounded linear operator
- Direct sum of topological vector spaces
- Subspaces need not have complement
- L∞ is HUGE
- Banach space that does not admit Schrauder basis
- Open mapping theorem
- Closed graph theorem
- Bounded inverse theorem
- Nonexistence of solutions for ODE and PDE
- Baire Category Theorem
- libOpenGL, libVDSO and Nix
- Stuff I learnt in 2022
- You don't know jack about data races
- Training a custom model for Lean4
- Stratified synthetsis
- Mutual recursion elaboration in Lean
- Subject reduction in Lean
- Big list of GNU Binutils
- Axiom K versus UIP
- Linear vs uniqueness types
- Any model of lean must have all inductives
- Index over the past, fiber over the future
- Type formers need not be injective
- There cannot be a type of size the universe
- The dependently typed expression problem
- Motivation for modal logic
- Scones
- Presheaf models of type theory
- Weighted limits via collages
- Disjoint Coproduct
- Leibniz Equality in Lean4
- Strong normalization of STLC
- Subobject classifiers of N→FinSet, or precosheaf of FinSet
- Dimensions versus units
- HoTTesT: Identity types
- Left and right adjoints to inverse image
- Paredit via adjoints
- Less than versus Less than or equals over Z
- Allegories and Categories
- Partial function as span
- Turing degree
- Proof that there is a TM whose halting is independent of ZFC
- Contradiction from non-positive occurence
- The constructible universe L
- Godel completeness theorem
- Uniform proofs, focused proofs, polarization, logic programming
- Why cut elimination?
- Forcing to add a function
- Diaconescu's theorem
- Forcing machinery
- Partial Evaluation, Chapter 3
- Partial Evaluation, Chapter 1
- Diagonal lemma for monotone functions
- Cantor Schroder Bernstein via fixpoint
- Maximal Ideals of Boolean Algebras are Truth Values
- Crash course on DCPO: formalizing lambda calculus
- Resolution algorithm for propositional logic
- Completeness for first order logic
- Compactness theorem of first order logic
- First order logic: Semantics
- full abstraction in semantics
- You could have invented Sequents
- Fibrational category theory, sec 1.1, sec 1.2
- Simple Type Theory via Fibrations
- Realisability models
- Naming left closed, right open with start/stop
- Nested vs mutual inductive types:
- Embedding HOL in Lean
- Module system for separate compilation
- Second order arithmetic
- Lean4 Dev Meeting
- Categorical model of dependent types
- Coends
- Natural Transformations as ends
- Ends and diagonals
- Parabolic dynamics and renormalization
- Quantifiers as adjoints
- TLDP pages for bash conditionals
- Remainder, Modulo
- Parameters cannot be changed anywhere , not just in return location
- Predicative v/s Impredicative: On Universes in Type Theory
- Testing infra in Lean4
- Autocompletion in Lean4
- Inductive types
- Parameter verus Index
- HNF versus WHNF
- Different types of arguments in Lean4:
- Big list of lean tactics
- Hyperdoctrine
- Fungrim
- Category where coproducts of computable things is not computable
- Homotopy continuation
- Relationship between linearity and contradiction
- Monads from Riehl
- Combinatorial Cauchy Schwarz
- Bezout's theorem
- Example for invariant theory
- Counterexample to fundamental theorem of calculus?
- Why a sentinel of
is sensible - Data structure to maintain mex
- Scatted algebraic number theory ideas: Ramification
- Coreflection
- Better
Pages via info
- The Zen of juggling three balls
- Example of lattice that is not distributive
- Patat
- Common Lisp LOOP Macro
- Mitchell-Bénabou language
- Hyperdoctrine
- Why is product in Rel not cartesian product?
in Lean4 - Big list of Lean4 TODOS
in Lean4: - Big List of Lean4 FAQ
- Sheaves in geometry and logic 1.2: Pullbacks
- Sheaves in geometry and logic 1.3: Characteristic functions of subobjects
- Common Lisp Debugging: Clouseau
- Drawabox: Lines
- Common Lisp Beauty: paths
- Logical Predicates (OPLSS '12)
- Logical Relations (Sterling)
- Pointless topology: Frames
- Introduction to substructural logics: Ch1
- Integrating against ultrafilers
- wegli: Neat tool for semantically grepping C++
- Mostowski Collapse
- Spaces that have same homotopy groups but not the same homotopy type
- Fundamental group functor does not preserve epis
- Epi in topological spaces
- Permutation models
- Almost universal class
- Godel operations
- Orthogonal Factorization Systems
- Orthogonal morphisms
- Locally Presentable Category
- Remez Algorithm
- Permission bits reference
- Papers on Computational Group Theory
- Kan Extensions: Key idea
- Interleaved dataflow analysis and rewriting
- Central variable as
- Wilson's theorem
- General enough special cases
- XOR and AND relationship
- Geometry of complex integrals
- Green's functions
- CP trick: writing exact counting as counting less than
- CP trick: Heavy Light Decomposition euler tour tree
- Counting with repetitions via pure binomial coefficients
- Fundamental theorem of homological algebra [TODO ]
- Projective modules in terms of universal property
- How ideals recover factorization [TODO ]
- Centroid of a tree
- Path query to subtree query
- Pavel: bridges, articulation points for UNDIRECTED graphs
- Monadic functor
- Injective module
- Proof that Spec(R) is a sheaf [TODO ]
- Projections onto convex sets
- LM algorithm for nonlinear least squares
- Backward dataflow and continuations
- Coordinate compression with
and vector
- Hilbert polynomial and dimension
- Cost of looping over all multiples of i for i in 1 to N
- Stuff I learnt in 2021
- Cayley hamilton for 2x2 matrices in sage via AG
- LispWorks config
- Birkhoff Von Neumann theorem
- Latin Square
- Assignment Problem
- Interpolating homotopies
- Example where MIP shows extra power over IP
- Lazy reversible computation?
- Theorem coverage as an analogue to code coverage
- Lazy GPU programming
- Backward dataflow and continuations
- The tyranny of structurelessness
- Simple Sabotage Field Manual
- Counting permutations with #MAXSAT
- Coloring
output with supercat
- Reader monoid needs a hopf algebra?!
- Monads mnemonic
- Card stacking
- SSH into google cloud
- Comma & Semicolon in index notation
- Spin groups
- Undefined behaviour is like compactification [TODO ]
- God of areppo
- Classification of lie algebras, dynkin diagrams
- Weird free group construction from adjoint functor theorem
- bashupload
- When are the catalan numbers odd
- Geodesic equation, Extrinsic
- Connections, take 2
- Dropping into tty on manjaro/GRUB
- Why the zero set of a continuous function must be a closed set
- Derivatives in diffgeo
- Building stuff with Docker
- Lie derivative versus covariant derivative
- The Tor functor
- Sum of quadratic errors
- Hip-Hop and Shakespeare
- Write thin to write well
- Hidden symmetries of alg varieties
for find
- Thu Morse sequence for sharing
- Elementary and power sum symmetric polynomials
- Projective spaces and grassmanians in AG
- Mnemonic for why
is unit: - Fundamental theorem of galois theory
- Counter-intuitive linearity of expectation [TODO ]
- Metis
- Tooling for performance benchmarking
- Normal field extensions
- Eisenstein Theorem for checking irreducibility
- Gauss Lemma for polynomials
- How GHC does typeclass resolution
- Defining continuity covariantly
- Why commutator is important for QM
- Deriving pratt parsing by analyzing recursive descent [TODO ]
- Level set of a continuous function must be closed
- HPNDUF - Hard problems need design up front!
- Separable Extension is contained in Galois extension
- Primitive element theorem
- Separable extension via embeddings into alg. closure
- Separable extensions via derivation
- Irreducible polynomial over a field divides any polynomial with common root
- Galois extension
- Separability of field extension as diagonalizability
- Motivation for the compact-open topology
- Example of covariance zero, and yet "correlated"
- Hypothesis Testing
- Dumb mnemonic for remembering adjunction turnstile
- Delta debugging
- Tidy Data
- Normal subgroups through the lens of actions
- Writing rebuttals, Tobias style
- LCS DP: The speedup is from filtration
- Poisson distribution
- F1 or Fun : The field with one element
- McKay's proof of Cauchy's theorem for groups [TODO ]
- ncdu for disk space measurement
- nmon versus htop
- Schrier sims --- why purify generators times coset
- Vyn's feeling about symmetry
- Convergence in distribution is very weak
- Class equation, P-group structure
- Sylow Theorem 1
- Fuzzing book
- Fisher Yates
- Bucchberger algorithm
- GAP permutation syntax
- Why division algorithm with multiple variables go bad
- Integral elements of a ring form a ring [TODO ]
- "Cheap" proof of euler characteristic
- Siefert Algorithm [TODO ]
- Cap product [TODO ]
- Cup product [TODO ]
- Colimits examples with small diagram categories
- Limits examples with small diagram categories
- Classification of compact 2-manifolds [TODO ]
- Gauss, normals, fundamental forms [TODO ]
- Second fundamental form
- Theorem Egregium / Gauss's theorem (Integrating curvature in 2D) [TODO ]
- Integrating Curvature in 1D [TODO ]
- Fundamental theorem of symmetric polynomials
- DP over submasks
- Dual of Planar Euler graph is bipartite
- Yoneda preserves limits
- Separable Polynomials and extensions
- Limits of a functor category are computed pointwise.
a + b = (a or b) + (a and b)
- Intuition for why choosing closed-closed intervals of
is (n+1)C2 - Thoughtful discussion on the limits of safe spaces
- Semidirect product: Panning and Zooming
- Longest Convex Subsequence DP
- Representation theory of SU(2) [TODO ]
- Why quaternions work better
- DFA to CFG via colimits?
- Why pointless topology is powerful
- Denotational semantics in a few sentences
- Monge Matrix
- Fixpoint as decorator
- Combinatorial generation algorithms
- Perform DP on measures, not indexes.
- Alternative version of Myhill-Nerode
- Polya Enumeration
- Weighted Burnside Lemma
- Cycle index polynomial
- Mnemonics For Symmetric Polynomials
- Uses of minimal string rotation
- Suffix Automata
- Simpson's Paradox
- Myhill Nerode Theorem
- Linearity of expectation for sampling
- Min cost flow (TODO)
- Clojure: minimal makefile for REPL driven dev with Neovim
- Delimited continuations
- Never forget monic again
- Weird canonical example of monic and epic: left/right shift
- Playing guitar: being okay with incorrect chords
- Sparse table
- Duval's algorithm
- Amortized complexity from the verifier perspective
- Relationship betwee permutations and runs
- Brouwer's fixed point theorem
- XOR on binary trie
- Inconvergent: beautiful generative art
- Prefix/Border function
- Shortest walk versus shortest path
- Minimal tech stack
- codeforces rating of some GMs
- Continuum TTRPG
- Words to know in target language
- DP on subarrays
- Vis editor cheat sheet
- Mean, Median and Jensen's
- The similarity between labellings and representations
- L1 norm is greater than or equal to L2 norm
- Z algorithm
- For a given recurrence, what base cases do I need to implement?
- Number of distinct numbers in a partition
- Splitting f(x)=y into indicators
- Why searching for divisors upto
works - Heuristics for the prime number theorem
- Sum of absolute differences of an array
- GCD is at most difference of numbers
- implementing GCD and LCM
- Centroid of a tree
- Center of a tree
- Image unshredding as hamiltonian path
- Distance between lines in nD
binary search with closed intervals - Sliding window implementation style
- Kawaii implementation of
x = min(x, y)
- CSES: Counting Towers
- Smallest positive natural which can't be represented as sum of any subset of a set of naturals
- Example of RVs that are pairwise but not 3-way independent.
- Notes on Liam O Connor's thesis: Cogent
- C++
, upper_bound
API - Books that impart mental models
- Subarrays ~= prefixes
- Operations with modular fractions
- Modular inverse calculation
- The number of pairs
such that ab≤x
is O(xlogx)
- DP as path independence
- Binary search to find rightmost index which does not possess some property
- Correctness of
search with half-open intervals - Greedy Coin change: proof by probing
- Clean way to write burnside lemma
- The groupoid interpretation of type theory
- Mnemonics for free = left adjoint
- Where to scratch a cat
- Mnemonic for Specht module actions
- Quotes from 'Braiding Sweetgrass'
- Transfinite recursion: Proof
- Transfinite induction: Proof
- Thoughts on playing Em-Bm
- An explanation for why permutations and linear orders are not naturally isomorphic
- We can't define choice for finite sets in Haskell!
- Geomean is scale independent
- Thoughts on playing Em Bm.
- Induction on natural numbers cannot be derived from other axioms
- Ordinals and cardinals
- Musing about Specht modules
- Every continuous function on [a,b] attains a maximum
- Invisible cities
- Associativity of addition in cubicaltt
- Etymology of fiber bundle F→E→B
- Galois correspondence, functorially
- CubicalTT: sharpening thinking about indexed functions
- Functors to motivate adjuntions
- Madoka Magica: plot thoughts
- Chain rule functorially
- Lagrange multipliers by algebra
- Specht module construction
- Even and odd functions through representation theory
- Greg egan: Orthogonal
- Simplicial approximation: maps can be approximated by simplicial maps (TODO)
- Limit is right adjoint to diagonal
- Working out why right adjoints preserve limits.
- Limit/Colimit/Cone/Cocone: the arrows are consistent!
- Representable Functors
- Why terminal object is a limit
- Excluded middle is not false in intuitionistic logic
- Yoneda Lemma and embedding
- Character theory
- Cofibration
- Emily Riehl Contrability as uniqueness
- Cofactor as derivative of determinant
- Homology, the big picture
- Legal Systems very different from ours
- Shrinking wedge of circles / Hawaiian earring (TODO)
- Simplicial approxmation of maps (TODO)
- Lebesgue number lemma (TODO)
- Lean internals Cheat Sheet
- MicroUI
- Proof of tree having (V-1) edges
- Creating PDFs to read code
- Bias and gain
- Barycentric subdivision: edge length decreases
- Homotopic maps produce same singular homology: Intuition
- Singular homology: induced homomorphism
- Demoscene tools
- Binaural Beat
- Low pass filter by delaying
- Octaves are double frequency apart (TODO)
- Bias and gain
- Show, don't tell
- Try and think of natural transformations as intertwinings
- Subobject classifier measures how much we need to pay to access fact
- Spectral norm of Hermitian matrix equals largest eigenvalue (TODO)
- Penrose cohomology [TODO ]
- Weingarten map
- When maps cannot be lifted to the universal cover
- Nets from Munkres (TODO)
- Limit point compactness from Munkres
- Proof of Heine Borel from Munkres (compact iff closed, bounded)
- Alexandrov topology
- Zeroth singular homology group: Intuition
- Examples of fiber products / pullbacks
- Covariant derivative
- Clackety sounds:
- Submersions and immersions
- Ehrsmann connection
- Quotes from the culture
- Lie bracket commutator as infinitesimal conjugation
- Thoughts on proof of fundamental group of unit circle
- Pasting lemma
- Tensoring with base ring has no effect
- Seeing the semidirect product of the dihedral group.
- Animating rotations with quaternion curves
- Mnemonic for hom-tensor and left-right adjoints
- Construction of tensor product: Atiyah macdonald
- Recovering topology from sheaf of functions: Proof from Atiyah Macdonald
- Urhyson's lemma
- Compact Hausdorff spaces are normal
- Stone representation theorem: Proof from Atiyah Macdonald
- Covariant Hom is left exact
- Internal versus External semidirect products
- Splitting of semidirect products in terms of projections
- Tensor is right exact
- Semidirect product as commuting conditions
- Exact sequences for semidirect products; fiber bundles
- Semidirect product is equivalent to splitting of exact sequence
- Intro to topological quantum field theory
- Non examples of algebraic varieties
- Nilradical is intersection of all prime ideals
- Exactness of modules is local
- Quotient by maximal ideal gives a field
- Ring of power series with infinite positive and negative terms
- Mean value theorem and Taylor's theorem. (TODO)
- Cayley Hamilton
- Nakayama's lemma
- Vector fields over the 2 sphere
- Learning to talk with your hands
- Lovecraftisms
- Hairy ball theorem from Sperner's Lemma (TODO)
- CS and type theory: Talks by vovodesky
- Hilbert basis theorem for polynomial rings over fields (TODO)
- Covering spaces
- Wedge Sum and Smash Product
- Quotient topology
- CW Complexes and HEP
- Stable homotopy theory
- Simply connected spaces
- Finitely generated as vector space v/s algebra:
- Weak and Strong Nullstllensatz
- Screen recording for kakoune pull request
- Intuition for why finitely presented abelian groups are isomorphic to product of cyclics
- Euler characteristic of sphere
- John Conway: The symmetries of things
- Semidirect product mnemonic
- Non orthogonal projections
- Why did maxwell choose his EM wave to be light?
- Fast string concatenation in python3
- Split infinitive
- Yoneda from string concatenation
- Right Kan extensions as extending the domain of a functor
- Non standard inner products and unitarity of representations
- take at most 4 letters from 15 letters.
- Flat functions
- Hopf Algebras and combinatorics
- Butcher group
- Neovim frontends
- A semidirect product worked on in great detail
- Direct and Inverse limits
- LEAN 4 overfrom from LEAN together 2021
- BLM master thesis
- RSK correspondence for permutations
- Djikstra's using a segtree
- Markov and chebyshev from a measure theoretic lens
- Among any 51 integers, that are 2 with squares having equal value modulo 100
- 1n+2n+⋯+(n−1)n is divisible by n for odd n
- 103n+1 cannot be written as sum of two cubes
- Coq-club: the meaning of a specification
- SQLite opening
- Old school fonts
- Stalking
on hackernews - Conditional probability is neither causal nor temporal
- Hook length formula
- The tyranny of light
- Muirhead's inequality
- Rearrangement inequality
- Triangle inequality
- The Heather subculture
- Frobenius Kernel
- Galois theory by "Abel's theorem in problems and solutions"
- Galois theory perspective of the quadratic equation
- Burnside lemma by representation theory.
- Contributing to SAGEmath
- Shadow puppet analogy for entanglement
- Books for contest math
- Analysing simple games
- Linear algebraic proof of the handshaking lemma
- Historical contemporaries
- Rota's twelvefold way
- Counting necklackes with unique elements
- Decomposition of projective space
- Childhood: Playing pokemon gold in japanese
- Tensor is a thing that transforms like a tensor
- Tensor Hom adjunction
- Schur's lemma
- Daughters of destiny
- Stuff I learnt in 2020
- Line bundles, a high level view as I understand them today
- Conversations with a wood carver
- Discrete Riemann Roch
- Conversation with Olaf Klinke
- Topological groups and languages
- The mnemonica stack (TODO)
- Conversation with Alok about how I read
- KMP (Knuth, Morris, Pratt) (TODO)
- Reading C declarations
- Make mnemonics
- Vandermonde and FFT
- Thoughts on blitz chess: 950 ELO
- Periodic tables and make illegal states unrepresentable
- questions on the structure of graphs
- Combinations notation in bijective combinatorics
- Arguments for little endian
- Expectiles
- Depth first search through linear algebra (TODO)
- 2-SAT
- Longest increasing subsequence, step by step (TODO)
- On reading how to rule (TODO)
- Strongly Connected Components via Kosaraju's algorithm
- Articulation points
- Disjoint set union
- Making GDB usable
- Bouncing light clock is an hourglass
- Euler tours
- Representation theory of the symmetric group (TODO)
- Maximum matchings in bipartite graphs
- p-adics, 2's complement, intuition for bit fiddling
- Diameter of a tree
- Catalan numbers as popular candidate votes (TODO)
- The chromatic polynomial (TODO)
- Structure theory of finite endo-functions
- Number of paths in a DAG
- Set partitions
- Integer partitions: Recurrence
- Stars and bars by direct bijection
- DFS and topological sorting
- Tournaments
- Matching problems (TODO)
- Four fundamental subspaces
- WHO list of essential medicines (TODO)
- why is
int i = i
allowed in C++? - Kakoune cheatsheet
- Assembly IDE
- Cohomology is like holism
- Flows (TODO)
- Amortized analysis
- Shelly Kegan: death --- Suicide and rationality (TODO)
- Sam harris and jordan peterson: Vancouver 1 (TODO)
- Correctness of binary search
readlink -f
to access file path - rank/select as compress/decompress
- Remembering Eulerian and Hamiltonian cycles
- Nice way to loop over an array in reverse
- Dynamic Programming: Erik Demaine's lectures
- Accuracy vs precision
- Why is the gradient covariant?
- Politicization of science
- Multi ꙮ cular O: ꙮ / Eye of cthulu
- You can't measure the one way speed of light
- Show me the hand strategy
- Words that can be distinguished from letters if we know the sign of the permutation
- Easy times don't create weak people, they just allow weak people to survive.
- Multiplicative weights algorithm (TODO)
- How to fairly compare groups
- Bijection from
(0, 1)
to [0, 1]
- Rene Girard
- Noam Chomsky on anarchism (TODO)
- Slavoj Zizek: Violence
- Poverty: Who's to blame?
- Learn Zig in Y minutes
- The algebraic structure of the 'nearest smaller number' question
- Why loss of information is terrifying: Checking that a context-free language is regular is undecidable
- Sciences of the artificial
- Numbering nodes in a tree
- Number of vertices in a rooted tree
- Median minimizes L1 norm
- LISP quine
- A slew of order theoretic and graph theoretic results
- Neko to follow your cursor around
- Non commuting observables: Light polarization
- Statement expressions and other GCC C extensions
- A quick look at impredicativity
- Data oriented programming in C++
- Retro glitch
- SSA as linear typed language
- Nix weirdness on small machines
- Autodiff over derivative of integrals
- Proof of projective duality
- Preventing the collapse of civilization
- Violent deaths in ancient societies (TODO)
- An elementary example of a thing that is not a vector
- Elementary probability theory (TODO)
- The handshaking lemma
- Git for pure mathematicians
- Mutorch
- Computing the smith normal form
- Laziness for C programmers
- Exact sequence of pointed sets
- What is a syzygy?
- Under the spell of Leibniz's dream
- Normal operators: Decomposition into Hermitian operators
- Readable pointers
- The grassmanian, handwavily
- Lie bracket as linearization of conjugation
- Computational Origami
- Katex in duktape
- Kebab case
- Localization: Introducing epsilons (TODO)
- NaN punning: Storing integers in doubles in JavaScript
- Offline Documentation
- Using Gurobi
- osqp: convex optimizer in 6000 LoC
- stars and bars by generating functions
- This is not a place of honor
- Topological proof of infinitude of primes
- Burnside Theorem
- The Ise Grand shrine
- Edward Kmett's list of useful math
- Cokernel is not sheafy
- Von neumann: foundations of QM
- Discrete schild's ladder
- Derivative of step is dirac delta
- Extended euclidian algorithm
- In a PID, all prime ideals are maximal, geometrically
- Prime numbers as maximal among principal ideals
- Axiom of Choice and Zorn's Lemma
- Local ring in terms of invertibility
- Nullstellensatz for schemes
- Perspectives on Yoneda
- Germs, Stalks, Sheaves of differentiable functions
- Connectedness in terms of continuity
- Intuition for limits in category theory
- Finite topologies and DFS numbering
- Categorical definition of products in painful detail
- Why is the spectrum of a ring called so?
- Ergo proxy
- Satisfied and frustrated equations
- Combinatorial intuition for Fermat's little theorem
- An incorrect derivation of special relativity in 1D
- The geometry and dynamics of magnetic monopoles
- Sanskrit and Sumerian
- Writing Cuneiform
- The code of hammurabi
- The implicit and inverse function theorem
- Whalesong hyperbolic space in detail
- Motivating Djikstra's
- Intuitions for hyperbolic space
- Product of compact spaces in compact
- Hyperbolic groups have solvable word problem
- Elementary uses of Sheaves in complex analysis
- Snake lemma
- Kernel, cokernel, image
- The commutator subgroup
- Simplicity of A5 using PSL(2, 5)
- A5 is not solvable
- Complex orthogonality in terms of projective geometry
- Arithmetic sequences, number of integers in a closed interval
- The arg function, continuity, orientation
- Odd partitions, unique partitions
- Continued fractions, mobius transformations
- Permutations-and-lyndon-factorization
- Graphs are preorders
- Parallelisable version of maximum sum subarray
- Thoughts on implicit heaps
- Discriminant and Resultant
- Polynomial root finding using QR decomposition
- A hacker's guide to numerical analysis
- Mobius inversion on Incidence Algebras
- Finite differences and Umbral calculus
- Permutahedron
- Lyndon + Christoffel = Convex Hull
- Geometric proof of
e^x >= 1+x
, e^(-x) >= 1-x
- Ranking and Sorting
- Proof of minkowski convex body theorem
- Burrows Wheeler
- Intuitionstic logic as a Heyting algebra
- Edit distance
- Evolution of bee colonies (TODO)
- Best practices for array indexing
- Algebraic structure for vector clocks
- Networks are now faster than disks
- Einstein-de Haas effect
- Rank-select as adjunction
- Bounding chains: uniformly sample colorings
- Coupling from the past
- Word problems in Russia and America
- Encoding mathematical hieararchies
- Learning code by hearing it
- Your arm can be a spinor
- Self modifying code for function calls: Look ma, I don't need a stack!
- Adjunctions as advice
- Reversible computation as groups on programs
- Blazing fast math rendering on the web
- VC dimension
- Symplectic version of classical mechanics
- Theorems for free
- How to reason with half-open intervals
- How does one build a fusion bomb?
- Christoffel symbols, geometrically
- A natural vector space without an explicit basis
- Cache oblivious B trees
- Krohn-Rhodes decomposition
- Proving block matmul using program analysis
- Why I like algebra over analysis
for cleaner function type typedefs - A walkway of lanterns (TODO)
- Natural transformations
- The hilarious commentary by dinosaure in OCaml git
- How to link against MLIR with CMake
- Energy as triangulaizing state space
- The cutest way to write semidirect products
- My Favourite APLisms
- Proof of chinese remainder theorem on rings
- monic and epic arrows
- The geometry of Lagrange multipliers
- Efficient tree transformations on GPUs (TODO)
- Things I wish I knew when I was learning APL
- Every ideal that is maximal wrt. being disjoint from a multiplicative subset is prime
- Getting started with APL
- SpaceChem was the best compiler I ever used
- Mnemonic for Kruskal and Prim
- Legendre transform
- Cartesian Trees
- DFS numbers as a monotone map
- Self attention? not really
- Coarse structures
- Matroids for greedy algorithms (TODO)
- Grokking Zariski
- My preferred version of quicksort
- Geometric proof of Cauchy Schwarz inequality
- Dataflow analysis using Grobner basis
- Fenwick trees and orbits
- Dirichlet inversion
- Incunabulum for the 21st century: Making the J interpreter compile in 2020
- An example of a sequence whose successive terms get closer together but isn't Cauchy (does not converge)
- Krylov subspace method
- Good reference to the Rete pattern matching algorithm
- Leapfrog Integration
- Comparison of forward and reverse mode AD
- An invitation to homology and cohomology, Part 1 --- Homology
- An invitation to homology and cohomology, Part 2 --- Cohomology
- Stuff I learnt in 2019
- A motivation for p-adic analysis
- Line of investigation to build physical intuition for semidirect products
- Topology is really about computation --- part 2
- Topology is really about computation --- part 1
- PSLQ algorithm: finding integer relations between reals
- Geometric characterization of normal subgroups
- Handy characterization of adding an element into an ideal, proof that maximal ideal is prime
- Radical ideals, nilpotents, and reduced rings
- My disenchantment with abstract interpretation
- Computing equivalent gate sets using grobner bases
- The janus programming language --- Time reversible computation
A = B
--- A book about proofs of combinatorial closed forms - Generating
bitsets of a given length n
: - Bondi k-calculus
- Topology as an object telling us what zero-locus is closed:
- Vivado toolchain craziness
- What the hell is a Grobner basis? Ideals as rewrite systems
- Lie bracket versus torsion
- Blog post: Weekend paper replication of STOKE, the stochastic superoptimizer
- Collapsing
, Label
, Unique
: - Spatial partitioning data structures in molecular dynamics
- Vector: Arthur Whitney and text editors
- Representing CPS in LLVM using the
intrinsics - Bug in the LLVM code generator: Lowering of
and MO_AddWordC
- Discrete random distributions with conditioning in 20 lines of haskell
- Everything you know about word2vec is wrong
- Hamiltonian monte carlo, leapfrog integrators, and sympletic geometry
- Small Haskell MCMC implementation
- The smallest implementation of reverse mode AD (autograd) ever:
- Timings of passes in GHC, and low hanging fruit in the backend:
- Varargs in GHC:
- Debugging debug info in GHC
- GHC LLVM code generator: Switch to unreachable
- Concurrency in Haskell
- Handy list of differential geometry definitions
- Lazy programs have space leaks, Strict programs have time leaks
- Presburger arithmetic can represent the Collatz Conjecture
- Using compactness to argue about covers
- Japanese Financial Counting system
- Stephen wolfram's live stream
as a word has some of the most irregular inflections - McCune's single axiom for group theory
C code implements gradient descent really weirdly - Arthur Whitney: dense code
- How does one work with arrays in a linear language?
- Linear optimisation is the same as linear feasibility checking
- Quantum computation without complex numbers
- Linguistic fun fact: Comparative Illusion
- Long-form posts:
- Emacs Cheat Sheet
- Coq Cheat Sheet
- Writing Cheat Sheet
- Latex Cheat Sheet
- Architecture Cheat Sheet
- Recipes Cheat Sheet
- History Cheat Sheet
- Words Cheat Sheet
- Clojure Sheat Sheet
- Big list of quotes
- Empathy
- Vim Cheat Sheet
- Big list of Chess
- Big list of shitposting
- Big list of Breakdance
- Big list of Cardistry
- Poems to memorize
- X86 Cheat Sheet
- Common Lisp Cheat Sheet
- Agda Cheat Sheet
- Don't Try
- Big list of Hacker news
- Hair in a bun with stick
- Big list of shuffle dancing
- Latte Art
- Big list of tmux
- Big list of new words
- Favourite OP1 tutorials
- Favourite Demoscenes
- Classical music
- Blues and Jazz Piano Improv
- Sheet Music
- Big List of Artists and Illustrators
- Big List of Art and Paintings I Enjoy