§ Classification of lie algebras, dynkin diagrams
§ Classification of complex lie algebras
- L is a complex vector space with a lie bracket [.,.].
- For example, if G is a complex Lie group. For a complex manifold, the transition functions are holomorphic.
§ Theorem (Leri)
- Every finite dimensional complex Lie algebra (L,[.,.]) can be decomposed as L=R⊕s(L1⋯⊕Ln), where ⊕is direct sum, ⊕s is the semidirect sum.
- R is a solvable lie algebra.
- To define solvable, define R0=R, R1=[R0,R0], R2=[R1,R1], that is, R2=[[R,R],[R,R]].
- We have that Ri+1 is a strict subset of Ri.
- If this sequence eventually stabilizes, ie, there is an n such that Rn={0}, then R is solvable.
- In the decomposition of L, the R is the solvable part.
- We have L1, \dots, Ln which are simple. This means that Li is non-abelian, and Li contains no non-trivial ideals. An ideal of a lie algebra is a subvevtor space I⊆L such that [I,L]⊆I. (It's like a ring ideal, except with lie bracket).
- The direct sum L1⊕L2 of lie algebras is the direct sum of vector spaces with lie bracket in the bigger space given by [L1,L2]=0.
- The semidirect sum R⊕sL2 as a vector space is R⊕L2. The lie bracket is given by [R,L2]⊆R, so R is an ideal. (This looks like internal semidirect product).
§ Remarks
- It is very hard to classify solvable Lie algebras.
- A lie algebra that has no solvable part, ie can be written as L=L1⋯⊕Ln is called as semi-simple .
- It is possible to classify the simple Lie algebras.
- We focus on the simple/semi-simple Lie algebras. Simple Lie algebras are the independent building blocks we classify.
§ Adjoint Map
- Let (L,[.,.]) be a complex lie algebra. Let h∈L be an element of the lie algebra.
- Define ad(h):L→L as ad(h)(l)≡[h,l]. Can be written as ad(h)≡[h,−]. This is the adjoint map wrt h∈L.
§ Killing form
- K:L×L→C is a bilinear map, defined as K(a,b)≡tr(ad(a)∘ad(b)).
- See that ad(a)∘ad(b):L→L. the trace will be complex because L is complex.
- Since L is finite dimensional vector space, tr is cyclic. So tr(ad(a)∘ad(b))=tr(ad(b)∘ad(a)). This means that K(a,b)=K(b,a), or that the killing form is symmetric!
- Cartan criterion: L is semi-simple iff the killing form K is non-degenerate. That is, K(a,b)=0 implies b=0.
§ Calculation wrt basis: ad map.
- Consider for actual calculation the components of ad(h) and K with respect to a basis E1,…,EdimL.
- Write down a dual basis ϵ1,ϵdimL.
- ad(Ei)kj≡ϵj(ad(Ei)(Ek)).
- We know that ad(Ei)(Ek)=[Ei,Ek] by definition.
- We write [Ei,Ek]=CikmEm where the Cikm are the structure constants.
- This gives us ad(Ei)kj=ϵj(CikmEm)
- Pull out structure coefficient to get ad(Ei)kj=Cikmϵj(Em)
- Use the fact that Em and ϵj are dual to get ad(Ei)kj=Cikmδmj
- Contract over repeated index m to get m=j: ad(Ei)kj=Cikj
- This makes sense, since the ad map is just a fancy way to write the bracket in coordinate free fashion.
§ Calculation wrt basis: Killing form.
- K(Ei,Ej)=tr(ad(Ei)∘ad(Ej))
- Plug in ad to become K(Ei,Ej)=tr(CimlCjkm) [see that the thing inside the trace is a matrix ]
- Execute trace by setting l=k=o. This gives us: K(Ei,Ej)=CimoCjom. This is also easy to calculate from structure coefficients.
- Iff this matrix is non-degenerate, then the lie-algebra is semi-simple.
§ ad is anti-symmetric with respect to the killing form.
- Recall that ϕ is called as an anti-symmetric map wrt a non-degenerate bilinear form B iff B(ϕ(v),w)=−B(v,ϕ(w)).
- Fact: ad(h) is anti-symmetric wrt killing form. For killing form to be non-degenerate we need L to be semisimple.
§ Key Definition for classification: Cartan subalgebra
- If (L,[.,.]) is a lie algebra, then the cartan subalgebra denoted by H ( C is already taken for structure coeff.) is a vector space, and is a maximal subalgebra of L such that there exists a basis h1,…,hm of Hthat can be extended to a basis of L: h1,…,hm,e1,…,edim(L)−m such that the extension vectors are eigenvectors for any ad(h) for h∈H.
- This means that ad(h)(eα)=λα(h)eα.
- This can be written as [h,eα]=λα(h)eα.
- Does this exist?
§ Existence of cartan subalgebra
- Thm Any finite dimensional lie algebra possesses a cartan subalgebra.
- If L is simple, then H is abelian . That is, [H,H]=0.
- Thus, the ad(h) are simultaneously diagonalized by the eα since they all commute.
§ Analysis of Cartan subalgebra.
- ad(h)(eα)=λα(h)eα.
- [h,eα]=λα(h)eα.
- Since the LHS is linear in h, the RHS must also be linear in H. But in the RHS, it is only λα(h) that depends on h.
- This means that λα:H→C is a linear map !
- This is to say that λα∈H∗ is an element of the dual space!
- The elements λ1,λ2,λdimL−m are called the roots of the Lie algebra.
- This is called as Φ≡{λ1,…,λdimL−m}, the root set of the Lie algebra.
§ Root set is closed under negation
- We found that ad(h) is antisymmetric with respect to killing form.
- Thus, if λ∈ϕ is a root, −λ is also a root (somehow).
§ Root set is not linearly independent
- We can show that Φ is not LI.
§ Fundamental roots
- Subset of roots Π⊆Φ such that Π is linearly independent.
- Let the elements of Π be called π1,…,πr.
- We are saying that ∀λ∈Φ,∃n1,…,nf∈N,∃ϵ∈{−1,+1}such that λ=ϵ∑i=1fniπi.
- That is, we can generate the λ as natural number combinations of πi, upto an overall global sign factor.
- Fact: such a set of fundamental roots can always be found.
§ complex span of fundamental roots is the dual of the cartan subalgebra
- In symbols, this is spanC(Π)=H∗.
- They are not a basis of H∗ because they are not C independent (?)
- Π is not unique, since it's a basis.
§ Defn: HR∗
- Real span of fundamental roots: spanR(Π).
- We have that Φ=span±N(Π).
- Thus Φ is contained in spanR(Π), which is contained in spanC(Π).
§ Defn: Killing form on H∗
- We restrict K:L×L→C to KH:H×H→C.
- What we want is K∗:H∗×H∗→C.
- Define i:H→H∗ given by i(h)=K(h,⋅).
- i is invertible if K is non-degenerate.
- K∗(μ,ν)≡K(i−1(μ),i−1(ν)).
§ K∗ on HR∗
- The restricted action of K∗ on HR∗ will always spit out real numbers.
- Also, K∗(α,α)≥0 and equal to zero iff α=0.
- See that K was non-degenerate, but KR∗ is a real, bona fide inner product!
- This means we can calculate length and angles of fundamental roots.
§ Recovering Φ from Π
- How to recover all roots from fundamental roots?
- For any λ∈Phi, define the Weyl transformation sλ:HR⋆→HR⋆
- The map is given by sλ(μ)=μ−2K∗(λ,λ)K∗(λ,mu)λ.
- This is linear in μ, but not in λ.
- Such sλ are called as weyl transformations.
- Define a W group generated by the sλ. This is called as the Weyl group.
§ Theorem: Weyl group is generated by fundamental roots
- It's enough to create sΠ to generate W.
§ Theorem: Roots are prouced by action of Weyl group on fundamental roots
- Any λ∈Φ can be produced by the action of some w∈W on some π∈Π.
- So ∀λ∈Φ,∃π∈Pi,∃w∈W such that λ=w(π).
- This means we can create all roots from fundamental roots: first produce the weyl group, then find the action of the weyl group on the fundamental roots to find all roots.
- The Weyl group is closed on the set of roots, so W(Φ)⊆Φ.
§ Showdown
- Consider Sπi(πj) for πi,πj∈Π.