The data (A,B,i) is said to be a cofibration ( i like an inclusion A→B) iff given any homotopy gA[t]:[0,1]×A→X, and a map downstairs gB[0]:B→X such that gB[0]∘i=gA[t](0), we can extend gB[0] into gB[t]. We see that this is simply the HEP (homotopy extension property), where we have a homotopy of subspace A, and a starting homotopy of B, which can be extended to a full homotopy.
§ Lemma: Cofibration is always inclusion (Hatcher)
The pushout intuitively glues B to A along A's subspace P. For this interpretation, let us say that P is a subspace of A (ie, i is an injection). Then the result of the pushout is a space where we identify β(p)∈B with p∈A. The pushout in Set is A∪B/∼where we generate an equivalence relation from i(p)∼β(p). In groups, the pushout is amalgamated free product.