§ Common Lisp Cheat Sheet

;; to change package, goto SLIME, type `,` for `, set package`.
(declaim (optimize (speed 0) (safety 3) (debug 3)))
(defpackage :rasterizer1 (:use :common-lisp))

§ Entertaining footgun: let bindings

(defgeneric errormsg (x))
(let* (x (errormsg 12)) x)

The above silently compiles, with an SBCL error:
;; caught STYLE-WARNING:
;;   The variable ERRORMSG is defined but never used.

This should clue you in that something terrible has happened. The correct form of the let* requires ONE outer paren group to denote bindings, and ANOTHER paren for each key-value pair.
So this should have been written:
(let* ( ;; <- OPEN pairs of bindings
   (x (errormsg 12))
   ) ... ;; <- CLOSE bindings

But has been written as:
(let* (
   (errormsg 12)
  ) ... )

This gets interpreted as:
(let* (
   (x nil) ;; notice the `nil` introduction
   (errormsg 12)
   ) ... )

The takeaway appears to be that SBCL warnings ought to be treated as errors.

§ ASDF: treat warnings as errors:

;; 23:49 <@jackdaniel> bollu: I don't know whether this is documented
(setf asdf:*compile-file-warnings-behaviour* :error)

§ Toys

Special variables (Mutable globals) should be surrounded by asterisks. These are called earmuffs.
(defparameter positions (make-array ...))

(assert (condition)
;; https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook/error_handling.html#handler-case-vs-handler-bind
(defun divide (x y)
  (assert (not (zerop y))
          (y)   ;; list of values that we can change.
          "Y can not be zero. Please change it") ;; custom error message.
  (/ x y))

(ql:quickload "str")