Where the first arrow is i for inclusion and the third is π for projection. We now want to consider what happens when we have Hom(X,−) for some target space X. The induced arrows are induced from composition; I will write (f;g)(x)≡g(f(x))to mean "first do f, then do g". Hence, my arrows linking Hom(X,A) to Hom(X,B) will be −;i: To first go from X to A, and then apply i to go from A to B. This gives us the sequence (which we are to check if it is exact, and which of the left and right arrow exist):
We now have three interesting choices for our X in relation to the above sequence: (a) Z, (b) 2Z, (c) Z/2Z. Since Z and 2Z are isomorphic as modules, let's study the case with Z and Z/2Z