§ CS and type theory: Talks by vovodesky

§ First order arithmetic

Mathematical object which belongs to class of objects called formal theories. Has four pieces of data:
  1. Special symbols, names of variables.
  2. Syntactic rules.
  3. Deduction rules: Construct new closed formulas from old closed formula.
  4. Axioms: collection of closed formulas.

Anything that is obtainable from these deduction rules is called a theorem. First order logic have symbols: ∀, ∃, ⇒, !(not) and so on. First order theory is inconsistent if there a closed formula AA such that both AA and !A!A is a theorem.

§ Gentzen's proof and problems with it

Tries to reason about trees of deduction. Show that proofs correspond to combinatorial objects. Show that inconsistency corresponds to an infinite decreasing sequence that never terminates. Then he says that it is "self evident" that this cannot happen. But it is not self evident!

§ What would inconsistency of FOL mean for mathematicians?

§ New workflow

§ Summary

§ Univalent Foundations: New Foundations of Mathematics

§ Vovodesky's univalence principle --- Joyal

y : B |- E(y) : Type
x : A |- E(f(x)) : Type

This is pulling back along fibrations.

|- B : Type
x : A |- B : Type

x : A |- f(x) : B

x: A |- E(x): Type
|- \sum{x : A}E(x): Type

x: A |- E(x): Type
y : B |- \sum{x : f^{-1}(y)}E(x): Type