§ Discrete random distributions with conditioning in 20 lines of haskell

newtype D a = D { unD :: [(a, Double)] } deriving(Eq, Show, Ord)

instance Functor D where
    -- fmap :: (a -> b) -> D a -> D b
    fmap f (D xs) = D $ fmap (\(a, d) -> (f a, d)) xs

instance Monad D where
    return x = D $ [(x, 1.0)]
    -- f :: a -> (D b)
    (D as) >>= f = D $ do -- list monad
                      (a, p) <- as
                      (b, p2) <- unD (f a)
                      return $ (b, p * p2)

-- [(a, 0.5), (b, 0.5)]
-- [(a, 0.3), (a, 0.2), (b, 0.1), (b, 0.4)]
instance Applicative D where
    pure = return
    ff <*> fa = do
        f <- ff
        a <- fa
        return $ f  a

condition :: Bool -> D ()
condition True = D [((), 1.0)]
condition False = D [((), 0.0)]

dice :: D Int
dice = let p = 1.0 / 6 in D $ [(x, p) | x <- [1..6]]

dice_hard :: D Int
dice_hard = do
    x <- dice
    condition $ x > 3
    return $ x

main :: IO ()
main = do
    print dice
    print dice_hard

This gives the output:
D {unD = [(1,0.16666666666666666),

D {unD = [(1,0.0),

Notice that D a ~= WriterT (Product Float) []!