Here's my current understanding of how the Ehrsmann connection works. We have a G-bundle G◃GPπM. Let's first think of it as globally trivial so P≃M×G. Now at each point m∈M, we have the fiber {m}×G over m. We now consider the kernel of the map π∗:Tm,gM×G→TmM. What are the elements here? We know that T(M×G)≃TM⊕TG≃TM⊕g where gis the Lie algebra of the lie group G. So we know that π∗ maps TpM⊕g↦TpM. Thus the kernel of π∗ is going to be g. This is called as the "vertical subspace" VpP≡ker(π∗)⊆TpP. Now, we have a choice in how we pick HpP for each point p∈P such that HpP⊕VpP=TpP. This choice of HpP is the connection. We claim that this choice is equally well encoded by a lie-algebra valued one form, ω:TP→g. That is, ω:TM×TG→g, which is ω:TM×g→g. Intuitively, this tells us how much of the component along g is not covered by the HpP. The idea is that since VpP⊕Hpp=TpP, given any vector tp∈TpP, I can compute tpv≡tp−Hp(tp). Then I will have vp∈VpP since I've killed the component in HpP. However, I know that VpP is the same as g. Thus, I spit out the value tpv, treated as an element of g. This tells me how much of Vp is not stolen away by HpP in the decomposition. So we have the map πh:TpP→VpP given by pih(tp)≡tp−Hp(tp). The kernel of this map is HpP=ker(πh).
§ Accessing the tangent space from the Ehrsmann Connection
If we have a non-trivial bundle, then I need some way to link g with VpP without splitting the bundle as I did here. The idea is that element of TpP are basically curves cp:I→P. We use the curves to build derivations. For each lie algebra element a∈g, I can build the curve cpa:I→P given by cpa(t)≡p◃exp(at). That is, the curve I get by pushing the point p along a∈g. Note that all the points in the curve ap lie on the same point in the base manifold, because the group only moves within fibers. So we have that π(p)=π(cpa(t)) for all t. This means that when we push forward the curve cpa(t), it represents the constant curve, which has zero derivative! Thus, we have that all these curves are in the kernel cpa(t)∈ker(π∗), and hence g⊆VpP. To show the other inclusion, pick some element vp∈VpP⊆TpP. The group G must be non-trivial, otherwise the bundle will also be trivial. Let p∈π−1(m) for some m. Note that since the bundle is a principal bundle, we have that the fiber π−1(m) is a G-torsor. I guess this is ismorphic as a group to G. Now, the tangent space TpP is the tangent space the group G, which has the same dimension as the lie algebra g. Hence, the function we defined above must be surjective. NOTE TO SELF: there should be a more direct proof that uses the fact that the fiber is G-torsor!