§ Equicontinuity, Arzela Ascoli
- A sequence/family of functions are said to be equicontinuous if they vary equally in a given nbhd
- Necessary for Arzela Ascoli
- A subset of C(X), space of continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space X is compact iff if it is closed, bounded, and equicontinuous.
- Corollay: a sequence of C(X) is uniformly convergent iff it is equicontinuous.
- Thus, an equicontinious family converges pointwise, and moreover, since it is uniform convergence, the limit will also be continuous.
§ Uniform boundedness Principle
The uniform boundedness principle states that a pointwise bounded family of
continuous linear operators between Banach spaces is equicontinuous.
§ Equicontinuity of metric spaces
- Let X,Y be metric space.
- The family F is equicontinuous at a point p∈X if for all ϵ>0, there is a δ>0 such that d(f(p),f(x))<ϵ for all f∈Fand all d(p,x)<δ.
- Thus, for a given ϵ, there is a uniform choice of δ that works for all functions .
- It's like uniform continutity, except the uniformity is enforced acrorss the functions fi, not on the points on the domain.
- The family F is pointwise equicontinuous iff it is equicontinuous at each point p.