§ Even and odd functions through representation theory
Consider the action of Z/2Z on the space of functions R→R.
given by ϕ(0)(f)=f, and phi(1)(f)=λx.f(−x). How do we write this in terms of irreps?
- On the even functions, since e(x)=e(−x) for e even, we have that, ϕ(0)(e)=e and ϕ(1)(e)=e [since e(−x)=e(x)], or ϕ(x)(e)=id(e), hence the action of ϕ is that of the trivial representation on the subspace spanned by even functions.
- On the odd functions, since o(−x)=−o(x), we have that ϕ(1)(o)(x)=o(−x)=−o(x)=sgn(o)(x) hence ϕ(1)(o)=−o, hence ϕ(x)(o)=sgn(x)(o) where sgnis the sign representation!
Since the even and odd functions span the space of all functions, as we can write any function f as the
sum of an even part ef(x)≡[f(x)+f(−x)]/2 and an odd part of(x)≡[f(x)−f(−x)]/2. So,
we have described the action of ϕ in terms of subspaces which span the space, so we've found the irrep decomposition.