§ Example of needing uniform convergence / troll proof of pi equals 4
- The key idea is that the proof implicitly relies on switching a limit with an integral with a sleight of hand:
- Let b(t) where t∈[0,1] be a arclength parametrization of the circle's boundary.
- Then the permiter is P=∫0b(t).
- The troll proof depends on creating a sequence of functions bi(t), where ∫01bi(t)=4 for all bi, such that bi→b pointwise, but not uniformly.
- Intuitively, why do we need uniform convergence here
§ Another example: x↦xn on [0,1]
- The sequence of functions converge to f(x)=0 for x<1 and f(1)=1.
- Every function in the sequence is continuous, but the limit function is not.
- If we want to be sure that we can riemann integrate the limiting function, it's "good" if it is continuous.
- Thus, we need to stipulate that the limit ought to be continuous, and we can get this by asking for uniform continuity.
§ Think of it in a fibrational sense
- Given a sequence fn(z):R→D1, we can think of a product space R×D1, the cylinder.
- Then, for each z∈R (height level set of cylinder), we get scattered points for fn(z).
- For each n∈N, we can plot fn(R), which will give us a curve corresponding to the nth function.
- Pointwise convergence says that for each z∈R (for each height level set), the points will converge to the limit point f(z).
- Universe convergence says that if we view the threads fn(R) as a whole, we can make the threads through the cylinder get as close to the function f as we want. This is because for a given bound ϵ, we can apply it uniformly at all heights z(that's the uniform bit), so we can squeeze all the threads together to read the limit thread L!
- This is nice, because by writing it as a produce space, we can visualize what both parameters n and z are doing.
- The n indexes the various threads, and the z indexes moving through the cylinder.
- math.se link
§ Generalizing the pi troll
- Given a fuction F:[0,1]→R such that ∫01F=N, and an arbitrary value M, design a sequence of functions fi such that (a) fi converges pointwise to F, and ∫01fi=M.
- The key idea of the construction is to make:
- f0 the zero function
- f1 the function that equals F in [0,1/2], rescaled to make integral equal M, and 0 in [1/2,1]
- f2 is the function that equals F in [0,3/4], rescaled to make integral equal M, and is 0 in [3/4,1]
- f3 is the function that equals F in [0,7/8], rescaled to make integral equal M, and is 0 in [7/8,1].
- And so on.
- Explicitly, we will have f1≡∫01/2FMf⋅I[0,1/2].
- Explicitly, we will have f2≡∫03/4FMf⋅I[0,3/4].
- Explicitly, we will have f3≡∫07/8FMf⋅I[0,7/8].