§ Fundamental theorem of symmetric polynomials
- Every symmetric polynomial of variables x,y,z can be written in terms of the elementary symmetric polynomials σ0≡1, σ1=x+y+z, σ2=xy+yz+xz. Generalize appropriately.
§ Two variable case
- For even further simplicity, consider the two variable case: every symmetric polynomial of variables x,y can be written in terms of the elementary symmetric polynomials σ0=1, σ1=x+y, σ2=xy.
- Consider some symmetric polynomial p(x). Define an ordering on its monomials xayb>xcyd iff either a+b>c+d, or a>c, or a=c∧b>d. So we compare first by degree, then by (a,b)>(c,d) lexicographically. Thus, call this order the lex order.
- Define
to be the largest monomial in p(x). Define bigcoeff(p)
to be the coefficient of bigmon(p)
. Finally, define bigterm(p) = bigmon(p) . bigcoeff(p)
as the leading term of the polynomial p(x,y). - Prove an easy theorem that
bigterm(pq) = bigterm(p)bigterm(q)
. - Now, suppose we have a leading monomial x5y9. Actually, this is incorrect! If we have a monomial x5y9, then we will also have a monomial x9y5, which is lex larger than x5y9. Thus, in any leading monomial, we will have the powers be in non-increasing (decreasing order).
- OK, we have leading monomial x9y5. We wish to write this in terms of elementary symmetric polynomials. We could try and write this by using the leading term x in s1 and leading term xy in s2.
- This means we need to solve x9y5=xk(xy)l, or 9=k+l and 5=l. This tells us that we should choose l=5 and k=9−5=4. If we do this, then our combination of symmetric polynomials will kill the leading term of p(x). Any new terms we introduce will be smaller than the leading term, which we can write as elementary symmetric polynomials by induction!
§ Three variable case
- Now consider three variables. Once again, suppose p(x) has leading monomial xaybzc. We saw earlier that we must have a≥b≥c for it to be a leading monomial.
- Let's write it in terms of s1,s2,s3. So we want to write it as product of (x)p, (xy)q, and (xyz)r. Their product is xp+q+ryq+rzr.
- This gives us the system of equations xp+q+ryq+rzr=xaybzc. This means (1) r=c, (2) q+r=b or q=b−c, and (3) p+q+r=aor p=a−q−r=a−(b−c)−c=a−b.
§ General situation
- think of the monomial xaybzc as a vector [a,b,c]. Then the leading terms of the symmetric polynomials correspond to [1,0,0], [1,1,0], and [1,1,1].
- When we take powers of symmetric polynomials, we scale their exponent vector by that power. So for example, the leading term of s29 is x9y9 which is [9,9]=9[1,1].
- When we multiply symmetric polynomials, we add their exponent vectors. For example, the leading term of s1s2 is x(x+y)=x2y=[2,1]. This is equal to [1,0]+[1,1]
- Thus, we wish to write the vector [a,b,c] as a linear combination of vectors [1,0,0], [1,1,0], and [1,1,1]. This is solving the equation:
[a] [1 1 1][p]
[b] = [0 1 1][q]
[c] [0 0 1][r]
- subject to the conditions that the unknowns p,q,r,≥0, given knowns a,b,csuch that a≥b≥c.
- Let's check that the equation makes sense: a=p+q+r as all of [1,0,0], [1,1,0] and [1,1,1]have a 1 at the a position. Similarly for b,c.
- Solve by the usual back-substitution.