§ Germs, Stalks, Sheaves of differentiable functions

I know some differential geometry, so I'll be casting sheaves in terms of tangent spaces for my own benefit

Next, to be able to combine germs together, we need more.

§ A presheaf that is not a sheaf: Bounded functions

Consider the function f(x)xf(x) \equiv x. This is bounded on every open interval I(l,r)I \equiv (l, r): lf(I)f(r)l \leq f(I) \leq f(r) But the full function f(x)f(x) is unbounded.

§ Holomorphic function with holomorphic square root.

Our old enemy, monodromy shows up here. Consider the identity function f(z)=zf(z) = z. Let's analyze its square root on the unit circle. f(eiθ)=eiθ/2f(e^{i \theta}) = e^{i \theta/2}. This can only be defined continuously for half the circle. As we go from θ:02π\theta: 0 \rightarrow 2 \pi, our zz goes from 000 \rightarrow 0, while f(z)f(z) goes 010 \rightarrow -1. This gives us a discontinuity at 00.

§ Formalisms

§ References