§ Handy list of differential geometry definitions
There are way too many objects in diffgeo, all of them subtly connected.
Here I catalogue all of the ones I have run across:
§ Manifold
A manifold M of dimension n is a topological space. So, there is a
topological structure T on M. There is also an Atlas , which is a family
of Chart s that satisfy some properties.
§ Chart
A chart is a pair (O∈T,cm:O−>Rn. The O is an open set of the
manifold, and cm ("chart for "m") is a continuous mapping from O to Rn
under the subspace topology for U and the standard topology for Rn.
§ Atlas
An Atlas is a collection of Chart s such that the charts cover the manifold,
and the charts are pairwise compatible. That is, A={(Ui,ϕi)}, such
that ∪iUi=M, and ϕj∘phii−1 is smooth.
§ Differentiable map
f:M→N be a mapping from an m dimensional manifold to an n dimensional
manifold. Let frep=cn∘f∘cm−1:Rm−>Rn
where cm:M→Rm is a chart for M, cn:N→Rn
is a chart for N. frep is f represented
in local coordinates. If frep is smooth for all choices of cm,cn,
then f is a differentiable map from M to N.
§ Curve:
Let I be an open interval of R which includes the point 0
. A Curve is a
differentiable map C:(a,b)→M where a<0<b.
§ Function: (I hate this term, I prefer something like Valuation):
A differentiable mapping from M to R.
§ Directional derivative of a function f(m): M -> R
with respect to a curve c(t): I -> M
, denoted as c[f]
Let g(t) = (f . c)(t) :: I -c-> M -f-> R = I -> R
This this is the value dg/dt(t0) = (d (f . c) / dt) (0)
§ Tangent vector at a point p
On a m
dimensional manifold M
, a tangent vector at a point p
is an
equivalence class of curves that have c(0) = p
, such that c1(t) ~ c2(t)
- For a (all) charts
(O, ch)
such that c1(0) ∈ O
, d/dt (ch . c1: R -> R^m) = d/dt (ch . c2: R -> R^m)
That is, they have equal derivatives.
§ Tangent space( TpM
The set of all tangent vectors at a point p
forms a vector space TpM
We prove this by creating a bijection from every curve to a vector R^n
Let (U, ch: U -> R)
be a chart around the point p
, where p ∈ U ⊆ M
. Now,
the bijection is defined as:
forward: (I -> M) -> R^n
forward(c) = d/dt (c . ch)
reverse: R^n -> (I -> M)
reverse(v)(t) = ch^-1 (tv)
§ Cotangent space( TpM*
): dual space of the tangent space / Space of all linear functions from TpM
to R
- Associated to every function
, there is a cotangent vector, colorfully called df
. The definition is df: TpM -> R
, df(c: I -> M) = c[f]
. That is, given a curve c
, we take the directional derivative of the function f
along the curve c
. We need to prove that this is constant for all vectors in the equivalence class and blah.
§ Pushforward push(f): TpM -> TpN
Given a curve c: I -> M
, the pushforward
is the curve f . c : I -> N
. This extends to the equivalence classes
and provides us a way to move curves in M
to curves in N
, and thus
gives us a mapping from the tangent spaces.
This satisfies the identity:
push(f)(v)[g] === v[g . f]
§ Pullback pull(f): TpN* -> TpM*
Given a linear functional wn : TpN -> R
, the pullback is defined as
wn . push(f) : TpM -> R
This satisfies the identity:
(pull wn)(v) === wn (push v)
(pull (wn : TpN->R): TpM->R) (v : TpM) : R = (wn: TpN->R) (push (v: TpM): TpN) : R
§ Lie derivation
§ Lie derivation as lie bracket