§ How does one work with arrays in a linear language?

Given an array of qubits xs: Qubit[], I want to switch to little endian. Due to no-cloning, I can't copy them! I suppose I can use recursion to build up a new "list". But this is not the efficient array version we know and love and want.
The code that I want to work but does not:
function switchEndian(xs: Qubit[]): Unit {
    for(i in 0..Length(xs) - 1) {
        Qubit q = xs[i]; // boom, this does not work!
        xs[i] = xs[Length(xs) - 1 - i]
        xs[Length(xs) - 1 - i] = q;

On the other hand, what does work is to setup a quantum circuit that performs this flipping, since it's a permutation matrix at the end of the day. But this is very slow, since it needs to simulate the "quantumness" of the solution, since it takes 2^n basis vectors for n qubits.
However, the usual recursion based solution works:
function switchEndian(xs: Qubit[]): Qubit[] {
    if(Length(xs) == 1) {
        return xs;
    } else {
        switchEndian(xs[1..(Length(xs) - 1)] + xs[0]

This is of course, suboptimal.
I find it interesting that in the linear types world, often the "pure" solution is forced since mutation very often involves temporaries / copying!
(I'm solving assignments in qsharp for my course in college)