Intuitions for hyperbolic space
Combinatorial group theory
Van Kampen diagrams: an intuition
DIY Hyperbolic geometry
Hyperbolic Embeddings with a Hopefully Right Amount of Hyperbole
Notes on Hyperbolic geometry by Canon
A question on
that attempts to describe hyperbolic space:
What hyperbolic space really looks like
Another question about what hyperbolic space feels like
Notes On Hyperbolic and Automatic Groups: Michael Batty
The geometry of the word problem by Martin R Bridson
Living in Hyperbolic space
We can embed euclidian space into hyperbolic space
Amsler surface: A surface with constant negative gaussian curvature
Hyperbolic distance naturally measures distance as paths of light with varying refractive index
The pseudosphere, another surface with constant negative curvature
Whalesong, selected discography