§ Krohn Rhodes Theorem: Proof
- Recall writing an automata as semigroup and so on.
- A character is a permutation if its action on the state space is a permutation.
- A character is a reset if its action on the state space is a constant function.
- Permutation automata: all characters are permutations, so we can undo any sequence of characters.
- Reset automata: all characters are resets, but this is too boring! So all characters are resets, or identity. See that this acts like memory ! Since we can hold onto to information we had.
- The one bit memory automaton has 3 inputs, 0,1,e where the state does what you'd expect: when 0, state goes to s0, when input is 1, state goes to s1, and e keeps it the same state.
- We can write any auomata as a cascade of permutation and reset.
- So we can have things like f(x,g(x,h(x)),h(x)), where automata read inputs from before them.
§ Proof Sketch
- Step 1: Break down truncated run map of arbitrary automata with n states into a cascade of a permutation reset automata (called B, for banned) and an n−1 state automaton M′.
- Step 2: recurse, till we get a 2-state automata. Now, all 2-state automata are permutation reset automata, so done!
- Step 3: Break apart the permutation reset automata into pure permutation + pure reset automata.
- Step 4: Break down the reset map for reset automata into a composition of the 1-bit-memory automata.
- Step 5: We can break down the permutation automata into finite simple groups if we want, but nah.
§ Step 1
- We start with an automata M with n states, and we want to write it as B, a permutation reset automata, and a new (n−1) state automata M′.
- The automata B keeps track of which state of M we are not in at this moment in time!
- We set the initial state of B to be a state that is different from the initial state of M.
- Now, for the alphabets, we want to make sure that B moves to a state that M does not move to!
- For any alphabet a, if the map aM:S(M)→S(M) (the action of a on M) does not have full image, then set aB to be that state that is not in the image! This is a reset map, and clearly maintains the banned invariant.
- Otherwise, the map aM must be a permutation (surjective = injective on endomorphism of finite set), and so we can set bM≡aM, since the transitoin map will map banned states to banned states.
- Great, we now need to design M′, which somehow uses the information of B to do what M used to to.
- The idea is to relabel the original states of M, minus the banned state B.
- M′ is an automata in the casecade, because it will have both the original alphabet aM, as well as the output of B, where the output of B is the current state of B.
- The input to M′ is going to be the input of M and the output of B.
- So if we are in state m′∈[0,n−1), and the output of B is b∈[0,n), and we get alphabet a, we create a new state
m = m' >= b ? m' + 1 : m'
. - In some sense, since we build B by "crossing out" a state in M, all we need to do in M′ is to relabel the states of M, by forgetting the state labaled by B. Using this, we can reconstruct the original automata M with B and M′.
§ Step 2: Recurse!
§ Step 3: Break down Permutation-Reset into Permutation and Pure Reset
§ Permutation automata
- Take a permutation reset automata.
a(0) = 1
, a(1) = 2
, and a(2) = 0
. b(0) = b(1) = b(2) = 1
. So this is a permutation reset automata. - We will build two automata: first an automata P that is pure permutations. The alphabet is the same, and its state space is the symmetric group of the original state space.
- In this case, the state space of P is S3. It's going to accumulate the permutations we have seen so far.
- For transition, if we see a, since it is a permutation, we compose aM to our current state. δP(f,a)=aM∘f.
- For transition, If we see b, since it is not a permutation, we don't do anything. δP(f,b)=f.
§ Reset automata
- If we do a reset before or after a permutation, it'll change what happens!
- The states of the reset automata is states of original automata
- Now, let's design the transtion map. Recall that this needs to be a reset automata.
- The invariant we will maintain is as follows: If we first change the state to the state of the reset automata, and we then apply the permutation map, we will reach the corresponding state in the original permutation-reset automata M.
- We start with the initial state of M.
- As input, it will receive both the original input, as well as the current state of the permutation automata (cascade)
- Key idea: if it receives a, since a is a permutation, the permutation automata will compose the action of a, so we keep the (original) initial state.
- If it receives a b, b is a reset, where we should reset to state 1. We want to change to a state such that when we run the permutation automata's f on it, we will reach a b. So we set the transition map to δ(−,(b,f))=f−1(1)
- Clearly, if we start at f−1(1), and we run f on it, then we get to 1!
- So the genius is to use the automata to keep track of "runs", where the resets destroy the state, and the permutations compose the state together.
§ Step 4: Break down Reset Automata into 1-bit Reset Automata
- Isn't this literally just building memory by writing stuff in binary?
§ References