§ Lebesgue number lemma (TODO)

for a compact space XX and an open cover {Uα}\{ U_\alpha \}, there is a radius r>0r > 0 such that any ball of such a radius will be in some open cover: For all xXx \in X, for all such balls B(x,r)B(x, r), there exists a Ux{Uα}U_x \in \{ U_\alpha \} such that B(x,r)UxB(x, r) \subseteq U_x. Intuitively, pick a point xx. for each open UU, we have a ball B(x,r)B(x, r) that sits inside it since UU is open. Find the largest such radius, we can do so since {x}\{x\} is the closed subset of a compact set. This gives us a function ff that maps a point xx to the largest radius of ball that can fit in some open cover around it. This function ff is a continuous function (why?) on a compact set, and thus has a minimum. So, for all points xXx \in X, if you give a ball of radius minf\min f, I can find some open cover around it.

§ Lebesgue number lemma, Version 2:

for a compact space XX and an open cover {Uα}\{ U_\alpha \}, there is a diameter d>0d > 0 such that set of smaller radius will be in some open cover: For all xXx \in X, for all opens xOx \in O such that diam(O)<ddiam(O) < d, there exists a Ux{Uα}U_x \in \{ U_\alpha \} such that OUxO \subseteq U_x.
If we can find radius B(x,r)B(x, r) that satisfies this, then if we are given a set of diameter less than 2r2r, there will be a ball B(x,r)B(x, r) that contains the set OO of diameter at most d=2rd = 2r, and this ball will be contained in some UxU_x. So we will have the containments OB(x,r)UxO \subseteq B(x, r) \subseteq U_x.

§ Lebesgue number lemma, proof from Hatcher