§ Limit is right adjoint to diagonal
Suppose a category C
possesses all small limits. This means that for any index category J
and functor F: J -> C
, the limit lim F:C
exists in C. We wish to show that the functor
const: C -> (J -> C)
given by const(c) = \j. c
has a right adjoint lim: (F -> C) -> C
which produces the limit of a diagram. So we are saying that const |- lim
. So we need
to provide a morphism (const c -> diag) -> (c -> lim diag)
. A morphism
const c: J -> C -> diag: J -> C
is a natural transformation between the const c
and the diag
functor. This is, by definition, a cone with apex c
. However, every cone
factors through the limit cone of the diagram diag
. Thus, we get a morphism (c -> lim diag)
from the fact that the cone with apex c
factors through the cone with apex lim diag
, as lim diag
is the universal cone.
This establishes that limit is right adjoint to diag. From this, can we get a cheap proof
that right adjoints preserve limits ? Suppose L: C -> D
, R: D -> C
are adjoint L |- R
Now, consider limits in D
. This can be considered by taking the category (J -> D)
We get an adjunction const: D -> (J -> D) |- lim: (J -> D) -> C
C<-g-D <-lim- (J -> D)
C D (J -> D)
C-f->D -const-> (J -> D)
composing gives us:
C <-g- D <-lim- (J -> D) <-f._ - (J -> C)
C D (J -> D) (J -> C)
C -f-> D -const-> (J -> D) -g._ -> (J -> C)
I'm not sure how to proceed further, but I feel that it must be possible to proceed! I lack
the technology, unfortunately, to make this go through.