§ Local ring in terms of invertibility

Recall that a local ring RR is a ring with a unique maximal ideal MM. This is supposedly equivalent to the definition:
A local ring is a ring RR such that 101 \neq 0 and for all x,yx, y in RR,
x+y invertible    x invertibley invertiblex + y \text{ invertible} \implies x \text{ invertible} \lor y \text{ invertible}

§ Stepping stone: If (R,M)(R, M) is a local ring then set of all units of RR is equal to RMR - M

§ All elements of (RM)(R - M) are units:

§ All units are in (RM)(R - M):

§ Part 1: Local ring to to invertible:

§ Part 2: Invertible to Local ring.

§ References