§ Local ring in terms of invertibility
Recall that a local ring R is a ring with a unique maximal ideal M.
This is supposedly equivalent to the definition:
A local ring is a ring R such that 1=0 and for all x,y in R,
x+y invertible⟹x invertible∨y invertible
§ Stepping stone: If (R,M) is a local ring then set of all units of R is equal to R−M
§ All elements of (R−M) are units:
- Let R be a local ring with unique maximal ideal M.
- Let u∈R−M. [ u for unit ].
- If u is a unit, we are done.
- Otherwise, consider the ideal generated by u, (u).
- (u) must live in some maximal ideal. Since
- M is the only maximal ideal, we have that u∈(u)⊆M.
- This is a contradiction, since u cannot be both in M and R−M.
- Hence all elements u∈R−M are units.
§ All units are in (R−M):
- Let u a unit.
- We cannot have u∈M since M is a maximal ideal, M=R.
- If u∈M then u−1u=1∈M, hence M=R.
- Contradiction.
§ Part 1: Local ring to to invertible:
- Let R have a unique maximal ideal M.
- We have already shown that all invertible elements are in R−M.
- Hence if x+y is invertible, it belongs to R−M.
- We must have either x or y invertible.
- Suppose not: x,y∈M while x+y∈M.
- This is impossible because M is an ideal and is thus closed under addition.
- So, we must have that if x+y is invertible then either x or y is invertible.
§ Part 2: Invertible to Local ring.
- Let R be a ring such that if x+y is invertible then either x or y is invertible.
- Conversely, if neither x nor y are invertible then x+y is not invertible.
- Hence the set of non-invertible elements form an ideal I, as 0∈I, sum of non-invertibles are not invertible (assumption), product of non-invertibles is not invertible (easy proof).
- This ideal I is contained in some maximal ideal M.
- This maximal ideal M is such that every element in R−M is invertible, since all the non-invertible elements were in I from which M was built.
- Formally, assume not: Some element s∈R−M is not invertible. Then s∈I⊆M. This contradicts assumption that s∈R−M.
- Hence M is a unique maximal ideal and R is a local ring.
§ References