§ Monads from Riehl

§ What is a monad

T^3(x) --T(@mu@x)--> T^2@x
|                   |
mu@(T@x)          mu@x
|                   |
v                   v
T^2(x)---mu@x-----> T(x)

(Tx) --eta@(T@x)--> T^2(x)
|EQ                 |
|                   |
T@(eta@x)         mu@x
|                   |
v                 EQv
T^2(x)---mu@x---> T(x)

§ Monad from adjunction

§ Algebra for a monad CTC^T.

Tc -T arr-> Td
|           |
f           g
|           |
v           v
c   -arr->  d

§ Factoring of forgetful functor of adjunction

H -Stx-> L^T -forget-> L

§ Monadic adjunction

H -Stx-> L^T -forget-> L

§ Category of models for an algebraic theory

§ Limits and colimits in categories of algebras

§ Riehl: Limits and colimits in categories of algebras

Here, we learn theorems about limits and colimits in L^T.

§ Lemma 5.6.1: If U is monadic over F, then U reflects isos

|      |
a      a'
|      |
v      v

|      |
a      a'
|      |
v      v

§ Corollary 5.6.2: Bijective continuous functions in CHaus are isos

§ Corollary 5.6.4: Any bijective homomorphism arising from a monadic adjunction which forgets to Set will be iso

§ Thm 5.6.5.i A monadic functor U: H -> L creates any limits that L has.

§ Corollary 5.6.6: The inclusion of a reflective subcategory creates all limits

§ Corollary 5.6.7: Any category monadic over Set is complete

§ Corollary 5.6.9: Set is cocomplete

§ Category of models for alg. theory is complete


§ Category of algebras has coproducts

import Control.Monad(join)

-- |(a*|b*)* ~~simplify~~> (a|b)*
eval :: Monoid a => Monoid b => [Either [a] [b]] -> [Either a b]
eval = map (either (Left . mconcat) (Right . mconcat))

-- | a*|b* -> (a|b)* with no simplification
transpose :: Either [a] [b] -> [Either a b]
transpose = either (map Left) (map Right)

-- | (a*|b*)* -> (a|b)* with no simplification
flatten :: [Either [a] [b]] -> [Either a b]
flatten = join . map transpose

-- force: eval = flatten | via coequallizer

§ If T:CCT: C \to C is finitary and CC is complete and cocomplete, then so is CTC^T

(A,α)f,g(B,β)q(Q,u) (A, \alpha) \xrightarrow{f, g} (B, \beta) \xrightarrow{q} (Q, u)