A positive integer n is represented as a partition λ≡(k1,k2,…) where ∑iki=n and k1≤k2,…. Such a λ always contains at most O(n) distinct numbers.
Intuition: suppose we want to have the maximum number of distinct numbers. Since we are tied down by the constraint ∑ki=n, we must try to choose the ki as small as possible. But we know that even ∑i=1pi=p(p+1)/2∼O(p2). Now if O(p2)=n, then the sum can only run upto p.
Alternate intuiton: asking to build a number n out of distinct numbers k1,k2,…is asking to build a "jagged triangle" out of columns (i,ki) whose area is n. Area is 1/2bh, which is sorta quadratic (?)