§ Ordinals and cardinals

This a rough sketch of a part of set theory I know very little about, which I'm encountering as I solve the "supplementary exercises" in Munkres, chapter 1.

§ Ordinals

§ (1) Inverse of a Monotone function is monotone.

§ Von Neumann Ordinals

§ Limit ordinals

§ Cardinality and cardinals

§ Definition of Cardinal

§ Rank

§ Inaccessible cardinal

A cardinal that cannot be created by adding cardinals, taking unions of cardinals, taking power sets of cardinals. So the set of cardinals smaller than an inacessible cardinal give a model for ZFC. if κ\kappa is an inaccessible cardinal, then VκV_\kappa, collection of all sets of rank less than κ\kappa acts as a place to do mathematics safely, while still having access to the "set of all sets" VκV_\kappa (Grothendeick universes, apparently).

§ Alternative definition of cardinality using rank

§ Weak and strong limits

§ References