§ Proof of Heine Borel from Munkres (compact iff closed, bounded)

We wish to show that compact iff closed and bounded in R\mathbb R.

§ (1) Closed intervals are compact in the topology of a complete total order.

Let us work with a complete total order TT (in our case T=RT = \mathbb R). We equip TT with the order topology (which matches the usual topology on R\mathbb R). Let [l,r][l, r] be a closed interval. Let {Ui}\{ U_i \} be an open cover of [l,r][l, r]. Let MM (for middle) be the set of points mm such that [l,m][l, m] has a finite cover using {Ui}\{ U_i \} That is,
M{m[l,r]:[l,m] has finite cover} M \equiv \{ m \in [l, r] : [l, m] \text{ has finite cover} \}

§ (2) Closed subset of a compact set is compact

Let BB be a closed subset of a compact space KK. Take an open cover {Ui}\{ U_i \} of BB. See that {Bc,Ui}\{ B^c, U_i \} is a cover of the full space KK, and hence has a finite subcover. This subcover will be of the form {Bc,Uj}\{B^c, U_j\}. The {Uj}\{U_j\} are a finite subcover of BB. Thus, BB is compact as we have extracted a finite subcover of an open cover.

§ (3) Compact subset of Haussdorf space is closed

Morally, this is true because in a Haussdorff space, single point subsets are closed. Compactness pushes this local property to a global property --- The entire compact set itself becomes closed.

§ (4) A set with all limit points is closed (complement of open)

Let SS be a set that has all its limit points. Consider the complement set TT. We will show that TT is open.

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