§ Quotient topology

I watched this for shits and giggles. I don't know enough topology at all, but it's fun to watch arbitrary math videos.

§ Quotient topology: Defn, examples

Given space XX and equivalence relation \sim on XX, the quotient set X/X/\sim inherits a topology. Let q:XX/q : X \rightarrow X/\sim send point to equivalence class. Quotient topology is the most refined topology on X/X/\sim such that qq is continuous. That is, it has the most open sets for which this map is continuous.

§ Claim: quotient topology is a topology

§ (X,A)(X, A) have HEP and AA is contractible, then XX/AX \simeq X/A

Slogan: Use HEP to find homotopy HH. Use H1sH_1 \circ s as inverse
to quotient.