§ Quotient topology
I watched this for shits and giggles. I don't know enough topology at all, but it's
fun to watch arbitrary math videos.
§ Quotient topology: Defn, examples
- Intended to formalise identifications.
Given space X and equivalence relation ∼ on X, the quotient set
X/∼ inherits a topology. Let q:X→X/∼ send point to
equivalence class. Quotient topology is the most refined topology
on X/∼ such that q is continuous. That is, it has the most open sets
for which this map is continuous.
- More explicitly, a set U⊂X/∼ (which is a collection of equivalence classes) is open iff q−1(U) is open in X.
- Even more explicitly, V⊆X/∼ is open iff UV≡{x∈U:[x]∈V}is open in X.
- Even more explicitly, we can write U≡∪v∈Vv, because the elements of v are equivalence classes.
§ Claim: quotient topology is a topology
- The preimage of the empty set is the empty set, and thus is open.
- The preimage of all equivalence classes is the full space, and thus open.
- Preimage of union is union of preimages: ∪iq−1(Vi) extend h to get a new homotopy H: H0=idX and Ht∣A=ht.
§ (X,A) have HEP and A is contractible, then X≃X/A
- Pick q:X→X/A. We need another map such that their compositions are homotopic to the identities of X and X/A.
- Define s:X/A→X as a section of q, given by s([a])≡a,s([x])≡x. This is a section of q since q∘s=idX/A (That is, s maps entirely within the fibers of q).
- Consider st:Ht∘s:X/A→X. That is, lift from X/A to X using s and then perform Ht on X. We claim that The map (H1∘s) is the homotopy inverse of q.
- (1a) (H1∘s)∘q:X→X is equal to H1, as H1(s(q(A)))=H1(s([a]))=H1(a)=a=H1(A), and H1(s(q(x)))=H1(s([x]))=H1(x).
- (1b) So we have (H1∘s)∘q=H1≃H0=idX, as H0=idX is from defn, and H1≃H0 is from homotopy. So we are done in this direction.
- (2a) Consider q∘(H1∘s):X→X/A. We wish to show that this is continuous. Let's show that it lifs to a continous map upstairs. So consider q∘(Ht∘s)∘q:X→X/A. We claim that this is equal to q∘Ht, which is continuous as it is a composition of continuous maps.
- This relationship is hopefully intuitive: q∘(Ht∘s)∘q asks us to treat all of A as if it were a before applying Ht. Since q kills whatever Ht does after, and Ht guarantees to keep A within A, it's fine if we treat all of A as just a. q∘Ht asks us to treat A as A itself, and not a. Since q kills stuff anyway, we don't really care. The real crux of the argument is that q∘stabA=q∘stabA∘s∘q where stabA is a map that stabilizes A.
- (2b) Consider (q∘(Ht∘s)∘q)(A)=(q∘Ht∘s)([a])=(q∘Ht)(a) --- Since Ht(a)=ht(a)=a′∈A, we crush all data regardless of what happens. This is the same as the value (q∘Ht)(A)=[a] as Ht(A)⊆A and q(A)=[a]. For the other set, we get (q∘(Ht∘s)∘q)(x)=q∘Ht∘s([x])=q∘Ht(x) and hence we are done.
- (2c) Now since q∘(Ht∘s)) is continuous, and that q∘(H0∘s):X/A→X/A=idX/A, we are done since we can homotope from q∘H1∘s≃q∘H0∘s=idX/A.
Slogan: Use HEP to find homotopy H. Use H1∘s as inverse
to quotient.