§ Rank-select as adjunction

We will introduce two operations rank, select, --- these are used to build memory-efficient data structures that can still be queried quickly.
We will show how rank and select are adjoint. This will also us to also consider coselect, which is a variation of select that is not commonly discussed.
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

import Data.List
newtype Count = Count Int deriving(Eq, Show, Ord, Num)
newtype Ix = Ix Int deriving(Eq, Show, Ord, Num)

eqscan :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Count]
eqscan a0 as = map Count $ scanl (+) 0 [if a0 == a then 1 else 0 | a <- as]

-- | finds the index `Ix` in `as` at which `a` has occured
-- | for the `Count`th time.
select :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Count -> Maybe Ix
select a0 as c = Ix <$> findIndex (== c) (eqscan a0 as)

-- | finds the number of times `a` has occured in `as` till `Ix`.
rank :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Ix -> Count
rank a as (Ix ix) = (eqscan a as) !! ix

Given this, we can prove that select and rank are adjunctions. There are different ways to think about this. My favourite way to is to notice that an Ix (index) is much "finer" information than Count. Hence, the concrete domain must be Ix, the abstract domain must be Count, and rank-select is an abstract interpretation!

§ Co-select

We can build another version of select called co-select that scans from the right. Alternatively, it finds on the reverse list:
coselect :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Count -> Maybe Ix
coselect a0 as c = Ix <$> findIndex (== c) (reverse (eqscan a0 as))

Thanks to Edward Kmett for teaching me this.