§ Realisability models

For closed terms u, and type 𝜏 we are going to define u ⊩ 𝜏 (read “u is a realiser of 𝜏”). Let's say that we have PCF's type: and σ → τ.
  1. u ⊩ ℕ if u reduces to a natural number literal
  2. f ⊩ σ → τ if for all s⊩σ, f s ⊩ τ.

Some immediate observations:

Take the rule for λ (simplified):
x:X, y:Y ⊢ z : Z
x:X ⊢ λ(y: Y). z : Y → Z

You interpret it as a statement
∀ v⊩A, (∀ w ⊩ B, u[x\v, y\w] ⊩ C) ⟹  \lambda y.u[x\v] ⊩ C

Once you've done so for each rule, you can conclude (very easy induction) that if ⊢ u : A, then u ⊩ A. This gives type safety, since realisers are practically defined as verifying type safety.
What you've gained along the way is that this proof is an open induction. 8/10
In standard combinatorial proofs of type safety, the induction hypothesis may depend on every case. Adding a form in your language may require redoing the entire proof. Here the various case in the adequacy lemma will remain true. So you can just prove the new cases. 9/10
There are many variants of realisability. Tuned for logic, with models instead of terms, … My favourite is Krivine's realisability with both terms and stacks, and magic happening when they interact. But this is another story and shall be told another time. 10/10