§ Shadow puppet analogy for entanglement

I found this answer on quantumcomputing.stackexchange to be a visceral example of "something like entanglement":
Imagine making shadow puppets. However in this setup, instead of one you have two screens and two torches pointing 90 degrees apart so that the image formed by torch 1 is projected onto screen 2 and the image formed by torch 2 is simultaneously projected onto screen 1.
 screen 1       screen 2
   /               \
  /                 \
 /                   \
          mm              <-  hand
      \         /
   torch 1   torch 2

Now any movement of your hand changes both images in a correlated way. In a sense, the images are entangled - if you observe image 1 to have a certain configuration, then only a small subset of possibilities in the total configuration space of image 2 are valid, and vice versa.