§ Sheaves in geometry and logic 1.3: Characteristic functions of subobjects
S --> 1
v |
| | true
v v
true: 1 -> 2
is the unique monic such that true(1) = 1
(where 2 = {0, 1}
) - For all monic
m: S -> X
, there must be a unique phi(S): X -> 2
such that the diagram is a pullback. - Then
1 -true-> 2
is called as the subobject classifier. See that 1
is also determined (it is terminal object). So the only "choice" is in what 2
is and what the morphism 1 -true-> 2
is. - The definition says that every monic is the pullback of some universal monic
§ Subobject category
- Define an equivalence relation between two monics
m, m': S, S' -> X
where m ~ m'
iff there is an iso i: S -> S''
such that the triangle commutes:
S --i--> S'
\ /
m\ /m'
v v
- SubC(X) is the set of all subobjects of X.
- to make the idea more concrete, let
C = Set
and let X = {1, 2}
. This has subobjects [{}], [{1}], [{2}], [{1, 2}]
. - To be clear, these are given by the map
m0: {} -> {1, 2}
(trivial), m1: {*} -> {1, 2}
where m1(*) = 1
, m2: {*} -> {1, 2}
where m2(*) = 2
, and finally m3: {1, 2} -> {1, 2}
given by id
. - The category C is well powered when SubC(X) is a small set for all X. That is, the class of subobjects for all X is set-sized.
- Now given any arrow f:Y→X, then pulllback of a monic m:S−>X along f is another monic m′:S′→Y. (recall that pullback of monic along any arrow is monic).
- This means that we can contemplate a functor SubC:Cop→Set which sends an object Cto its set of subobjects, and a morphism f:Y→X to the pullback of the subobjects of X along f.
- If this functor is representable, that is,
§ G bundles
- If E→X is a bundle, it is a G-bundle if E has a G action such that π(e)=π(e′) iff there is a unique g such that ge=e′. That is, the base space is the quotient of E under the group, and the group is "just enough" to quotient --- we don't have redundancy, so we get a unique g.
- Now define the space GBund(X) to be the set of all G bundles over X.
- See that if we have a morphism f:Y→X, we can pull back a G bundle E→X to get a new bundle E′→Y.
- Thus we can contemplate the functor
GBund: Space^op -> Set
which sends a space to the set of bundles over it. - A bundle
V -> B
is said to be a classifying bundle if any bundle E -> X
can be obtained as a pullback of the universal bundle V -> B
along a unique morphism X -> B
. - in the case of the orthogonal group
, let V
be the steifel manifold. Consider the quotient V/Ok
, which is the grassmanian. So the bundle V -> Gr
is a G
bundle. Now, some alg. topology tells us that is in fact the universal bundle for Ok
. - The key idea is that this universal bundle
V -> B
represents the functor that sends a space to its set of bundles, This is because any bundle E -> X
is uniquely determined by a pullback X -> B
! So the base space B
determines every bundle. We can recover the bundle V -> B
by seeing what we get along the identity B -> B
§ Sieves / Subobject classifiers of presheaves
- Let
P: C^op -> Set
be a functor. -
Q: C^op -> Set
is a subfunctor of P
iff Q(c) ⊂ P(c)
for all c ∈ C
and that Qf
is a restriction of Pf
. - The inclusion
Q -> P
is a monic arrow in [C^op, Set]
. So each subfunctor is a subobject. - Conversely, all subobjects are given by subfunctors. If
θ: R -> P
is a monic natural transformation (ie, monic arrow) in the functor category [C^op, Set]
, then each θC: RC -> PC
is an injection (remember that RC, PC
live in Set
, so it's alright to call it an injection) - For each
, let QC
be the image of θC
. So (QC = θC(RC)) ⊂ PC
. - This
is manifestly a subfunctor. - For an arbitrary presheaf
C^ = [C^op, Set]
, suppose there is a subobject classifier O
. - Then this
must at the very least classify yonedas (ie, must classify yC = Hom(-, C): [C^op, Set]
. - Recall that
was the functor that sent X ∈ C
to the set of subobjects of X
, and that the category C
had a subobject classifier O
iff Sub_C(X)
is represented by the subobject classifier O
. Thus we must have that Sub_C(X) ~= Hom(X, O)
. - Let
y(C) = Hom(-, C)
. Thus we have the isos Sub_C^(yC) = Hom_C^(yC, O) =[yoneda] O(C)
. - This means that the subobject classifier
O: C^op -> Set
, if it exists, must be defined on objects as O(C) = Sub_C^(yC)
. This means we need to build the set of all subfunctors of Hom(-, C)
§ Sieves
- for an object
, a sieve on c
is a set S
of arrows with codomain c
such that f ∈ S
and for all arrows fh
which can be defined, we have fh ∈ S
. - If we think of paths
as things allowed to get through c
, this means that some path to some other b
(via a h
) followed by an allowed path to c
(via f
is allowed). So if b -f-> c
is allowed, so is a -h-> b -f-> c
. - If
is a monoid, then a sieve is just a right ideal - For a partial order, a sieve on
is a set of elements that is downward closed/smaller closed. If b is in the sieve, then so too is any element a
such that a .
So a sieve is a smaller closed subset: if a small object passes the sieve, then so does anything smaller!
Let Q ⊂ Hom(-, c) = yc
be a subfunctor. Then define the set S_Q = { f | f: a -> c and f ∈ Q(a) }
Another way of writing it maybe to say that we take S_q = { f ∈ Hom(a, c) | f ∈ Q(a) }
This is a sieve because fh
is pulling back f: a -> c
along h: z -> a
, and the action on the hom functor will pull back the set Hom(a, c)
to Hom(z, c)
, which will maintain sieveiness, as if f ∈ Hom(a, c)
then fh ∈ Hom(z, c)
This means that a sieve on c
is the same as a subfunctor on yc = Hom(c, -)
this makes us propose a subobject classifier on [C^op, Set]
to be defined as O(c) = set of sieves of Hom(c, -)