§ Singular homology: induced homomorphism
The space of chains C[i] of a topological space X
is defined as all functions Δi→X.
The boundary map is defined as:
where v[i]^ means that we exlude this vertex, and v[0],v[1],… are the vertices
of the domain Δi.
Now, say we have a function f:X→Y, and a singular chain complex D[n] for Y.
In this case, we can induce a chain map f♯:C[n]→D[n], given by:
We wish to show that this produces a homomorphism from H[n](X)≡ker∂[n]/im∂[n+1]
to H[n](Y)≡ker∂[D][n]/im∂[D][n+1]. To do this, we already have a map from C[n] to D[n].
We need to show that it sends ker∂[n]↦ker∂[D][n] and.
The core idea is that if we have abelian groups G,H with subgroups M,N, and a homomorphism
f:G→H, then this descends to a homomorphism f′:G/M→H/N iff
f(M)⊆N. That is, if whatever is identified in G is identified in H, then our
morphism will be valid. To prove this, we need to show that if two cosets g+M, h+M
are equal, then their images under f′ will be equal. We compute f(g+M)=f(g)+f(M)=f(g)+0,
and f(h+M)=f(h)+f(M)=f(h)+0. Since g+M=h+M, we get f(g)=f(h). Thus, the morphism
is well-defined.