§ Smallest positive natural which can't be represented as sum of any subset of a set of naturals
we're given a set of naturals S≡{xi} and we want to find
n≡min{sum(T):T⊆S}, the smallest number that can't be written as a sum
of elements from S.
§ By observation
- Key observation: If we sort the set S as s[1]≤s[2]≤⋯≤s[n], then we must have s[1]=1. For if not, then 1 is the smallest nmber which cannot be written as a sum of elements.
- Next, if we think about the second number, it must be s[2]=2. If not, we return 2 as the answer.
- The third number s[3] can be 3. Interestingly, it can also be 4, since we can write 3=1+2, so we can skip 3as an input.
- What about s[4]? If we had [1≤2≤3] so far, then see that we can represent all numbers upto 6. If we have [1≤2≤4] so far, then we can represent all numbers upto 7. Is it always true that given a "satisfactory" sorted array A (to be defined recursively), we can always build numbers upto ∑A?
- The answer is yes. Suppose the array A can represent numbers upto ∑A. Let's now append r≡sum(A)+1 into A. ( r for result). Define
B := append(A, r)
. We claim we can represent numbers [1…(r+∑A)] using numbers from B. By induction hypothesis on A
. We can represent [1⋯∑A] from A. We've added r=∑A+1 to this array. Since we can build numbers [1⋯∑A] from A, we can add r to this to build the range [r+1…r+∑A]. In total, by not choosing r, we build the segment [1⋯∑A] and by choosing r we build the segment [∑A+1⋯∑A+r]giving us the full segment [1⋯∑A+r].
§ Take 2: code
void main() {
int n;
cin >> n;
vector<ll> xs(n);
for (ll i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
cin >> xs[i];
sort(xs.begin(), xs.end());
- Next define
as max sum seen so far.
ll r = 0;
- We can represent number [0…r] What can xs[i] be? If it is greater than (r+1), then we have found a hole. If xs[i]=r+1, then we can already represent [0…r]. We now have (r+1). By using the previous numbers, we can represent the sums (r+1)+[0…r], which is equal to [r+1…2r+1].
- More generally, if xs[i]<r+1, we can represent [0…r];[xs[i]+0,xs[i]+r].
- The condition that this will not leave a gap between r and xs[i] is to say that xs[i]+0≤(r+1).
for (ll i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (xs[i] <= r+1) {
r += xs[i];
} else {
cout << r + 1 << "\n";
cout << r + 1 << "\n";