§ Software bugs are real bugs?

The coolest thing I learnt from the book was STADS: software testing as species discovery , which models the problem of "how many bugs exist in the program?" as "how many bugs exist in this forest?". It turns out that ecologists have good models for approximating the total number of species in a habitat from the number of known species in a habitat . The paper then proceeds to argue that this analogy is sensible, and then implements this within AFL: american fuzzy lop . Definitely the most fun idea in the book by far.

§ Also, unexpected Deluze and Guattari:

An assemblage is a group of individuals belonging to a number of different species that occur together in space and time.
For example, all birds that live on an island today form an assemblage; all plants currently on Earth form an assemblage; etc.

§ References

  • https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1890/11-1952.1