§ Topology is really about computation --- part 1
Most people believe that topology is about some notion of "nearness" or
"closeness", which has been abstracted out from our usual notion of
continuity that we have from a metric space. Here, I make the claim that
topology is really about computation , and more specifically, decidability .
These are not new ideas. I learnt of this from a monograph
Synthetic topology of data types and classical spaces. Martın Escardo .
This does not seem very well known, so I decided to write about it.
The idea is this: We have turing machines which can compute things. We then
also have a set S. Now, a topology τ⊂2S precisely encodes
which of the subsets of S can be separated from the rest of the space by a turing machine.
Thus, a discrete space is a very nice space, where every point can be separated
from every other point. An indescrete space is one where no point can be separated.
Something like the reals is somewhere in between, where we can separate
stuff inside an open interval from stuff clearly outside, but there's some
funny behaviour that goes on at the boundary due to things like (0.999... = 1)
which we'll see in detail in a moment.
§ Semidecidability
A subset Q⊆S is semidecidable , if there exists a turing machine
Q^:Q→{⊥,⊤}, such that:
Where ⊤ signifies stopping at a state and returning TRUE
, and
⊥ signifies never halting at all !. So, the subset Q is
semidedicable , in that, we will halt and say TRUE
if the element
belongs in the set. But if an element does not belong in the set, we are
supposed to never terminate.
§ Deep dive: semidecidability of the interval (1,2)
Let's start with an example. We consider the interval I=(1,2), as a
subset of R.Let the turing machine recieve the real number
as a function f:N→{0,1,…9}, such that
given a real number (a0⋅a1⋅a2…), this is encoded as a
function fa(i)=ai.
We now build a turing machine I^ which when given the input the function fa,
semi-decides whether a∈I.
Let's consider the numbers in I:
So, we can write a turing machine (ie, some code) that tries to decide whether
a real number a's encoding fa belongs to the interval I=(1,2)
as follows:
def decide_number_in_open_1_2(f):
if f(0) == 1:
if f(1) == 0: while f(i) == 0: i += 1
if f(1) == 9: while f(i) == 9: i += 1
else: return
while True: pass
Hence, we say that the interval I=(1,2) is semi-decidable , since we
have a function
such that
I^(fa) terminates ⟺a∈I.
We don't make any claim about
what happens if a∈/I. This is the essence of semidecidability: We
can precisely state when elements in the set belong to the set, but not
when they don't.
§ Semi decidability in general
To put this on more solid ground, we define a topology on a set S by considering
programs which recieve as input elements of S, suitably encoded. For example,
the way in which we encoded real numbers as functions from the index to the
digit. Similarly, we encode other mathematical objects in some suitable way.
Now, we define:
- For every program P which takes as inputs elements in S, the set halts(P)≡s∈S∣P(s)halts is called as a semidecidable set .
- Alternatively, we can say for a subset T⊂S, if there exists a program T^, such that s∈T⟺T^(s) halts, then T is semi-dedecidable.
These are just two viewpoints on the same object. In one, we define the
set based on the program. In the other, we define the program based on the
§ Semi decidability of the empty set and the universe set.
The empty set is semi-decidable, due to the existence of the program:
def semidecide_empty(x):
while True: continue
The universe set is semi-decidable, due to the existence of the program:
def semidecide_univ(x): return
§ Semi decidability of the union of sets
infinite unions of sets are semi decidable, since we can "diagonalize" on
the steps of all programs. That way, if any program halts, we will reach
the state where it halts in our diagonalized enumeration.
Let A00, A01... A0n
be the initial states of the machines. We are trying to
semidecide whether any of them halt. We lay out the steps of the machines
in an imaginary grid:
A00 A01 A02 ... A0n
A10 A11 A12 ... A1n
A20 A21 A22 ... A2n
Am0 Am1 Am2 ... Amn
For example, machine A0
has states:
A00 -> A10 -> .. -> Am0
We can walk through the combined state-space of the machines as:
A01 A10
A02 A11 A20
A03 A12 A21 A30
Where on the k
'th line, we collect all states Aij such that (i+j=k).
Now, if any of the machines have a state that is HALT
, we will reach the
state as we enumerate the diagonals, and the machine that explores the
combined state space can also return HALT
§ Semi decidability of the intersection of sets
infinite intersections of sets are not semi decidable, since by running
these programs in parallel, we cannot know if an infinite number of programs
halt in finite time. We can tell if one of them halts, but of if all
of them halt.
For example, consider the sequence of machines produced by machine_creator
def machine_creator(n):
def f(x):
for _ in range(n):
return f
We wish to check if the intersection of all machine_creator(n)
halt, for all
n≥0,n∈N. Clearly, the answer is an infinite number of steps,
even though every single machine created by machine_creator
halts in a
finite number of steps.
§ An even deeper dive: re-examining the topology of the reals
We generally think of the topology of reals as being generated from the
base of intervals (a,b). But really, this is a perverse perspective
from the point of view of computation.
Structurally speaking, the only comparison operator we have on the reals
is a < operator. So we should ideally start by taking as a base
the sets (−∞,r). This is elegant, because:
- it relates to the order theoretic notion of downward closed set
- By yoneda , the downward closed set (−∞,r) contains the exact same order theoretic information as r itself.
- It makes our "code" easier to write:
z = 10 # arbitrary fixed integer
def is_in_downward_closed_set(x_int, x_frac):
return true if x_int.x_frac < z
if x_int < z:
i = 0
while True:
elif x_frac[i] == 9: i += 1 # examine next number.
else: return True # x_frac[i] < r_frac[i]
# loop forever
def loop(): while True: pass
§ References