A directed walk that visits every vertex exactly once.
§ Theorem: every tournament graph contains a directed hamiltonian path
Induction on the number of nodes. When we start thinking of the problem, we have both nodes and edges as parameters. But edges are directly related to nodes, so it makes sense we induct on nodes.
If n=1 we are done. In the inductive step, assume it holds for n=n. For n=n+1, let's take out one node v and see what happens. In the remaining graph, we still have a tournament graph on n nodes. By the induction hypothesis we have a directed hamiltonian path v1v2…vn. We want to create a bigger path that includes v.
If v1→v, then it is harder! Now what do we do? Ideally we want to plug v somewhere in the sequence v1v2…vn. Let's consider the smallest i such that v→vi. We know that i=1as we are in case 2.
v1 -> ...v[i-1] -> v[i] -> ... vn
If we have v[i−1]→v we are done because we get to insert vinto the path as v[i−1]→v→v[i]. Because v[i] is the smallest index that v beats, we must that v[i−1] beats v --- otherwise iis no longer the smallest index!
Either a chicken u pecks a chicken v then u→v or the other direction, v→u. We say that uvirtually pecks v if there's a patch of pecking for u to peck v.
The chicken king is the chicken that virtually pecks all other chickens.
We can have multiple king chickens. We want to find at least one chicken king. We may want to show that the vertex with the most number of outgoing edges is going to be a king.
§ Theorem: chicken with highest out degree is the king
Proof by contradiction: assume u has highest out degree and is not the king. So there is some vertex v such that u→v. Hence we have that v→u. In the other case, we have that u→w⋆v.