§ Vector fields over the 2 sphere

We assume that we already know the hairy ball theorem, which states that no continuous vector field on S2S^2 exists that is nowhere vanishing. Using this, we wish to deduce (1) that the module of vector fields over S2S^2 is not free, and an explicit version of what the Serre Swan theorem tells us, that this module is projective

§ 1. Vector fields over the 2-sphere is projective

Embed the 2-sphere as a subset of R3\mathbb R^3. So at each point, we have a tangent plane, and a normal vector that is perpendicular to the sphere: for the point pS2p \in S^2, we have the vector pp as being normal to TpS2T_p S^2 at pp. So the normal bundle is of the form:
N{{s}×{λs:λinR}:sS2} \mathfrak N \equiv \{ \{ s \} \times \{ \lambda s : \lambda in \mathbb R \} : s \in \mathbb S^2 \}

§ 1. Vector fields over the sphere is not free

§ References