§ Why quaternions work better
- We want to manipuate SO(3). Imagine it like SO(1).
- Unfortunately, π1(SO(3))=Z/2Z. This is a pain, much like rotations of a circle need to be concatenated with modulo, which is a pain.
- idea for why π1(SO(3)) is Z/2Z: SO(3) is sphere with antipodal points identified. So a path from the north pole to the south pole on the sphere is a "loop" in SO(3). Concatenate this loop with itself (make another trip from the south pole to the north pole) to get a full loop around the sphere, which can be shrunk into nothing as π1(S2) is trivial. So ns2=e, where ns is the north-south path in S2which is a loop in SO(3)).
- Key idea: deloop the space! How? find univesal cover. Lucikly, universal cover of SO(3) is SU(2) / quaternions, just as universal cover of SO(1) is R.
- Universal cover also explains why SU(2) is a double cover. Since π1(SO(3)) is Z/2Z, we need to deloop "once" to get the delooped space.
- No more redundancy now! Just store a bloch sphere representation, or a quaternion (store SU(2)). Just like we can just store a real number for angle and add it.
- How to go back to SO(3) or SO(1)? Move down the universal cover map SU(2)→SO(3) or R→SO(1).
- This is strange though. Why is R both the lie algebra and the covering space of SO(1) ? What about in general?
- In general, the original lie group SO(3) and the universal cover SU(2) both have the same lie algebra . It is only that the lie group has less or more fundamental group.