§ Words Cheat Sheet
Contains words that I write, and ones that I enjoy.
§ Recondite
little known; abstruse
§ Mendicant
Given to begging
§ gesamtkunstwerk
A Gesamtkunstwerk (German: [gəˈzamtˌkʊnstvɛʁk ], literally "total artwork",
frequently translated as "total work of art", "ideal work of art",
"universal artwork", "synthesis of the arts", "comprehensive artwork", or
"all-embracing art form") is a work of art that makes use of all or many art
forms or strives to do so. The term is a German loanword which has come to be
accepted in English as a core term in aesthetics.
§ anodyne
not likely to cause offence or disagreement and somewhat dull.
"anodyne music"
§ syncretism
I ran into the word in the description of the electronic artist 'Jaenga'.
human technological syncretism ...
Meaning: the amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions,
cultures, or schools of thought.
§ absurd
The word “absurd” has a number of standard connotations: outlandish, crazy,
amazing, freakish. It comes from the Latin absurdum, meaning “out of tune,”
extraordinary. This, however, is not the way that Albert Camus meant the term
when he coined l’absurd as a philosophical concept in 1942. To Camus, the
absurd was strangely normal, a state of affairs that describes the human
condition—in a nutshell, the utter dissonance between the human quest for
meaning in life and the silent indifference of the universe
§ opprobrium
public disgrace arising from shameful conduct.
"the opprobrium of being closely associated with gangsters"
§ Pyretology
study of fevers
§ Soubrette
an actress or other female performer playing a lively, flirtatious role in a play or opera.
§ fiat
fiat lux.
Let there be light
§ eudaimonia
happiness as a result of fulfilling one's purpose (eudaimonia)
§ ubac/adret
ubac "shady side of a mountain" and adret "sunny side of a mountain" (which
are of French origin). Used to translate yin/yang.
§ Metier
a profession or occupation.
"the boy must begin to learn his métier as heir to the throne"
§ Livery
a special uniform worn by a servant, an official, or a member of a City Company.
"yeomen of the guard wearing a royal red and gold livery"
§ intransigence
refusal to change one's views or to agree about something.
Example: The underlying reason for the prolongation of the war is intransigence on all sides.
Example from Downton Abbey: the aristocracy did not progress by their intransigence.
§ pip
Pips are small but easily countable items, such as the dots on dominoes and
dice, or the symbols on a playing card that denote its suit and value.
Pip cards are the cards from 2..10 in a deck.
§ pusillanimity
lack of courage or determination; timidity.
"the pusillanimity of his answer surprised me"
§ Askefise
one who blows on ashes to bring them to flame