§ Yoneda Lemma and embedding
type Hom a b = (a -> b)
type Nat f g = forall x. f x -> g x
Yoneda, which states that [C,Set](F(−),Hom(a,−))≃F(a):
type YonedaLHS f a = Nat (Hom a) f
rhs2lhs :: Functor g => g a -> YonedaLHS g a
-- rhs2lhs :: g a -> (Nat (Hom a) g)
-- rhs2lhs :: g a -> (forall x. (Hom a) x -> g x)
-- rhs2lhs :: g a -> (forall x. (a -> x) -> g x)
rhs2lhs ga = (\a2x -> fmap a2x ga) :: g x
is a lot like an enriched continuation, where
we are given a value (g a)
, and we need to produce
an "enriched" continuation handler, which when given
a use (a -> x)
produces not an x
, but a g x
lhs2rhs :: Functor g => YonedaLHS g a -> g a
lhs2rhs cont = (cont (id :: Hom a a)) :: g a
in lhs2rhs
, given an enriched continuation handler
forall x. (a -> x) -> g x
, and we need to produce a g a
As with regular continuations, we feed in the id
to recover the trapped continuation value.
type List a = [a]
type Nat f g = forall x. f x -> g x
listyo :: (Nat (Hom a) List) -> [a]
listyo f = f id
listyo' :: [a] -> (forall x. (a-> x) -> [x])
listyo' as = \f -> fmap f as
When we specialize Yoneda to lists, we are led to the idea
that a continuation of the form (a -> x) -> [x]
must contain
s which it uses to produce multiple x
-- F = (b -> .)
-- pick x = a
-- ((a -> a) -> (b -> a) -> (b -> a)
-- Nat(Hom(a, -), F) ~= F a
-- type Hom a b = (a -> b)
-- c -> Hom (c, -)
-- a, b. arrows ∈ Hom (a, b)
-- Hom (a, -), Hom(b, -). arrows ∈ Nat Hom (a, -) Hom(b, -)
-- a, b. arrows ∈ Hom (a, b)
-- Hom (-, a), Hom(-, b). arrows ∈ Nat Hom (-, a) Hom(-, b)
contrayo :: Nat (Hom a) (Hom b) -> Hom b a
contrayo :: (forall x. (a -> x) -> (b -> x)) -> (b -> a)
contrayo f = f id
contrayo' :: (b -> a) -> (forall x. (a -> x) -> (b -> x))
contrayo' b2a = \a2x -> a2x . b2a
When we specialize Yoneda to b -> -
, we are led to the idea
that a continuation of the form (a -> x) -> (b -> x)
must contain
plumbing to turn b
s into a
s: ie, it must contain a function b -> a
-- F = id .
type Id x = x
-- Nat(Hom(a, -), Id - ) ~= Id a
-- Nat(forall x. (a -> x), Id x) ~= Id a
-- Nat(forall x. (a -> x) -> x) ~= a
idyo :: (forall x. (a -> x) -> x) -> a
idyo k = k id
idyo' :: a -> (forall x. (a -> x) -> x)
idyo' a = \k -> k a
specializing to id
recovers usual continuations.
In total, Yoneda tells us that from every enriched continuation
ContF a g = Nat (Hom a) g = forall x. (a -> x) -> g x
we can recover a g a
. Hence, there is a bijection between g a
ContF a g
§ Yoneda embedding
The yoneda embedding follows from the lemma. The lemma tells us that Nat(Hom(a, -), F) ~= F(a)
Pick F = Hom(b, -)
. This gives Nat(Hom(b, -), Hom(a, -)) ~= Hom(b, a)
Thus, if
we consider the mapping C -> [C, Set]
given by sending a
to F(a)
we also preseve the Hom
sets as natural transformations, since Hom(b, a)
is isomorphic
to Nat(Hom(b, -), Hom(a, -))
. Thus, we get a full and faithful embedding of the original category
into the Hom