§ First UIP / Dominators in a DAG

§ Immediate dominator in a DAG

def idom(dag : Dict[int, int], sink : int) -> int:
  node2parents, time2node = toposort(dat)
  frontier = set([sink])
  seen = set (frontier)
  time = n-1
  while len(frontier) != 1:
    w = time2node[time]
    # Node is not in the frontier.
    if w not in frontier: continue
    # Node is in the frontier, expand it.
    del frontier[w]
    # add the nodes that we have not seen.
    # but do we even care?
    wps = [p for p not in seen for p in node2parents[w]]

  assert len(frontier) == 1
  return list(frontier)[0]

  # Unreachable, since at the end, we will reach a state where we have