§ PTTP: A Prolog Technology Theorem Prover
- PTTP and Linked Inference
- References
- Meson algorithm HOL light
- [Meson.ml(https://github.com/jrh13/hol-light/blob/master/meson.ml)
- This is used in HOL light's Meson.
- Model Elimination is a general proof method for first order logic.
- PTTP: implement model elimination using MESON technology.
§ Two groups of FOL solvers
- Bottom up and local: Resolution, inverse method (Maslov, Dok. Akad. Nauk '64).
- Top down and global: model elimination, tableaux.
- Both of these can be seen as proof search!
- Bottom up: start at assumptions, and derive more and more facts till we find the conclusion, or saturate.
- Top down: start at the conclusion, work backwards, break it down into subproblems till assumptions are reached.
§ Advantages of bottom up procedures
- Bottom up procedures compute proof at "meta level" (?) We can regard fvars as implicitly universally quantified (?)
- So it's possible to apply subsumption to the current set of facts (recall: subsumption lets us substitute to get more precise facts).
- In top down, fvars in different goals need to be correlated.
- However, top down is goal directed!
- they are much more economical to implement, since we only need to store the current subgoal.
- leanTAP: tableaux prover in five lines of prolog!