§ Hamiltonian monte carlo, leapfrog integrators, and sympletic geometry

This is a section that I'll update as I learn more about the space, since I'm studying differential geometry over the summer, I hope to know enough about "sympletic manifolds". I'll make this an append-only log to add to the section as I understand more.

§ 31st May

§ Simulating orbits with large timesteps

Clearly, the leapfrog integrator preserves energy and continues to move in an orbit, while the euler integrator goes batshit and causes orbits to spiral outwards. Full code is available below. More of the code is spent coaxing matplotlib to look nice, than doing the actual computation.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy.linalg

# dq/dt = dH/dp | dp/dt = -dH/dq (a = -del V)
def leapfroge(dhdp, dhdq, q, p, dt):
    p += -dhdq(q, p) * 0.5 * dt # halfstep momentum
    q += dhdp(q, p) * dt # fullstep position
    p += -dhdq(q, p) * 0.5 * dt # halfstep momentum
    return (q, p)

def euler(dhdp, dhdq, q, p, dt):
    pnew = p + -dhdq(q, p) * dt
    qnew = q + dhdp(q, p) * dt

def planet(integrator, n, dt):
    STRENGTH = 0.5

    q = np.array([0.0, 1.0]); p = np.array([-1.0, 0.0])

    # H = STRENGTH * |q| (potential) + p^2/2 (kinetic)
    def H(qcur, pcur): return STRENGTH * np.linalg.norm(q) + np.dot(p, p) / 2
    def dhdp(qcur, pcur): return p
    def dhdq(qcur, pcur): return STRENGTH * 2 * q / np.linalg.norm(q)

    qs = []
    for i in range(n):
        (q, p) = integrator(dhdp, dhdq, q, p, dt)
    return np.asarray(qs)


plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22, 'font.family':'monospace'})
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

planet_leapfrog = planet(leapfroge, NITERS, TIMESTEP)
ax.plot(planet_leapfrog[:, 0], planet_leapfrog[:, 1], label='leapfrog',
        linewidth=3, color='#00ACC1')
planet_euler = planet(euler, NITERS, TIMESTEP)
ax.plot(planet_euler[:, 0], planet_euler[:, 1], label='euler',
        linewidth=3, color='#D81B60')

legend = plt.legend(frameon=False)
ax.set_title("leapfrog v/s euler: NITERS=%s dt=%s" % (NITERS, TIMESTEP))