§ Small Haskell MCMC implementation

We create a simple monad called PL which allows for a single operation: sampling from a uniform distribution. We then exploit this to implement MCMC using metropolis hastings, which is used to sample from arbitrary distributions. Bonus is a small library to render sparklines in the CLI.
For next time:

§ Source code

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
import System.Random
import Data.List(sort, nub)
import Data.Proxy
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import qualified Data.Map as M

-- | Loop a monadic computation.
mLoop :: Monad m =>
      (a -> m a) -- ^ loop
      -> Int -- ^ number of times to run
      -> a -- initial value
      -> m a -- final value
mLoop _ 0 a = return a
mLoop f n a = f a >>= mLoop f (n - 1)

-- | Utility library for drawing sparklines

-- | List of characters that represent sparklines
sparkchars :: String
sparkchars = "_▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█"

-- Convert an int to a sparkline character
num2spark :: RealFrac a => a -- ^ Max value
  -> a -- ^ Current value
  -> Char
num2spark maxv curv =
   sparkchars !!
     (floor $ (curv / maxv) * (fromIntegral (length sparkchars - 1)))

series2spark :: RealFrac a => [a] -> String
series2spark vs =
  let maxv = if null vs then 0 else maximum vs
  in map (num2spark maxv) vs

seriesPrintSpark :: RealFrac a => [a] -> IO ()
seriesPrintSpark = putStrLn . series2spark

-- Probabilities
-- ============
type F = Float
-- | probability density
newtype P = P { unP :: Float } deriving(Num)

-- | prob. distributions over space a
newtype D a = D { runD :: a -> P }

uniform :: Int -> D a
uniform n =
  D $ \_ -> P $ 1.0 / (fromIntegral $ n)

(>$<) :: Contravariant f => (b -> a) -> f a  -> f b
(>$<) = cofmap

instance Contravariant D where
  cofmap f (D d) = D (d . f)

-- | Normal distribution with given mean
normalD :: Float ->  D Float
normalD mu = D $ \f -> P $ exp (- ((f-mu)^2))

-- | Distribution that takes on value x^p for 1 <= x <= 2.  Is normalized
polyD :: Float -> D Float
polyD p = D $ \f -> P $ if 1 <= f && f <= 2 then (f ** p) * (p + 1) / (2 ** (p+1) - 1) else 0

class Contravariant f where
  cofmap :: (b -> a) -> f a -> f b

data PL next where
    Ret :: next -> PL next -- ^ return  a value
    Sample01 :: (Float -> PL next) -> PL next -- ^ sample uniformly from a [0, 1) distribution

instance Monad PL where
  return = Ret
  (Ret a) >>= f = f a
  (Sample01 float2plnext) >>= next2next' =
      Sample01 $ \f -> float2plnext f >>= next2next'

instance Applicative PL where
    pure = return
    ff <*> fx = do
        f <- ff
        x <- fx
        return $ f x

instance Functor PL where
    fmap f plx = do
         x <- plx
         return $ f x

-- | operation to sample from [0, 1)
sample01 :: PL Float
sample01 = Sample01 Ret

-- | Run one step of MH on a distribution to obtain a (correlated) sample
mhStep :: (a -> Float) -- ^ function to score sample with, proportional to distribution
  -> (a -> PL a) -- ^ Proposal program
  -> a -- current sample
  -> PL a
mhStep f q a = do
 	a' <- q a
 	let alpha = f a' / f a -- acceptance ratio
 	u <- sample01
 	return $ if u <= alpha then a' else a

-- Typeclass that can provide me with data to run MCMC on it
class MCMC a where
    arbitrary :: a
    uniform2val :: Float -> a

instance MCMC Float where
	arbitrary = 0
	-- map [0, 1) -> (-infty, infty)
	uniform2val v = tan (-pi/2 + pi * v)

-- | Any enumerable object has a way to get me the starting point for MCMC
instance (Bounded a, Enum a) => MCMC a where
     arbitrary = toEnum 0
     uniform2val v = let
        maxf = fromIntegral . fromEnum $ maxBound
        minf = fromIntegral . fromEnum $ minBound
        in toEnum $ floor $ minf + v * (maxf - minf)

-- | Run MH to sample from a distribution
mh :: (a -> Float) -- ^ function to score sample with
 -> (a -> PL a) -- ^ proposal program
 -> a -- ^ current sample
 -> PL a
mh f q a = mLoop (mhStep f q) 100  $ a

-- | Construct a program to sample from an arbitrary distribution using MCMC
mhD :: MCMC a => D a -> PL a
mhD (D d) =
      scorer = (unP . d)
      proposal _ = do
        f <- sample01
        return $ uniform2val f
    in mh scorer proposal arbitrary

-- | Run the probabilistic value to get a sample
sample :: RandomGen g => g -> PL a -> (a, g)
sample g (Ret a) = (a, g)
sample g (Sample01 f2plnext) = let (f, g') = random g in sample g' (f2plnext f)

-- | Sample n values from the distribution
samples :: RandomGen g => Int -> g -> PL a -> ([a], g)
samples 0 g _ = ([], g)
samples n g pl = let (a, g') = sample g pl
                     (as, g'') = samples (n - 1) g' pl
                 in (a:as, g'')

-- | count fraction of times value occurs in list
occurFrac :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a -> Float
occurFrac as a =
    let noccur = length (filter (==a) as)
        n = length as
    in (fromIntegral noccur) / (fromIntegral n)

-- | Produce a distribution from a PL by using the sampler to sample N times
distribution :: (Eq a, Num a, RandomGen g) => Int -> g -> PL a -> (D a, g)
distribution n g pl =
    let (as, g') = samples n g pl in (D (\a -> P (occurFrac as a)), g')

-- | biased coin
coin :: Float -> PL Int -- 1 with prob. p1, 0 with prob. (1 - p1)
coin p1 = do
    Sample01 (\f -> Ret $ if f < p1 then 1 else 0)

-- | Create a histogram from values.
histogram :: Int -- ^ number of buckets
          -> [Float] -- values
          -> [Int]
histogram nbuckets as =
        minv :: Float
        minv = minimum as
        maxv :: Float
        maxv = maximum as
        -- value per bucket
        perbucket :: Float
        perbucket = (maxv - minv) / (fromIntegral nbuckets)
        bucket :: Float -> Int
        bucket v = floor (v / perbucket)
        bucketed :: M.Map Int Int
        bucketed = foldl (\m v -> M.insertWith (+) (bucket v) 1 m) mempty as
     in map snd . M.toList $ bucketed

printSamples :: (Real a, Eq a, Ord a, Show a) => String -> [a] -> IO ()
printSamples s as =  do
    putStrLn $ "***" <> s
    putStrLn $ "   samples: " <> series2spark (map toRational as)

printHistogram :: [Float] -> IO ()
printHistogram samples = putStrLn $ series2spark (map fromIntegral . histogram 10 $  samples)

-- | Given a coin bias, take samples and print bias
printCoin :: Float -> IO ()
printCoin bias = do
    let g = mkStdGen 1
    let (tosses, _) = samples 100 g (coin bias)
    printSamples ("bias: " <> show bias) tosses

-- | Create normal distribution as sum of uniform distributions.
normal :: PL Float
normal =  fromIntegral . sum <$> (replicateM 5 (coin 0.5))

main :: IO ()
main = do
    printCoin 0.01
    printCoin 0.99
    printCoin 0.5
    printCoin 0.7

    putStrLn $ "normal distribution using central limit theorem: "
    let g = mkStdGen 1
    let (nsamples, _) = samples 1000 g normal
    -- printSamples "normal: " nsamples
    printHistogram nsamples

    putStrLn $ "normal distribution using MCMC: "
    let (mcmcsamples, _) = samples 1000 g (mhD $  normalD 0.5)
    printHistogram mcmcsamples

    putStrLn $ "sampling from x^4 with finite support"
    let (mcmcsamples, _) = samples 1000 g (mhD $  polyD 4)
    printHistogram mcmcsamples

§ Output

***bias: 1.0e-2
   samples: ________________________________________█_█________
***bias: 0.99
   samples: ███████████████████████████████████████████████████
***bias: 0.5
   samples: __█____█__███_███_█__█_█___█_█_██___████████__█_███
***bias: 0.7
   samples: __█__█_█__███_█████__███_█_█_█_██_█_████████__█████
normal distribution using central limit theorem:
normal distribution using MCMC:
sampling from x^4 with finite support